The three victims of the shooting incident which took place in Kahawatte have been identified to be Kahawatte Traders Association Secretary Karunasena who is said to be in critical condition, Shantha Dodamgoda and Bertie. They were all admitted to the Ratnapura Hospital suffering shot injuries. They are said to be UNP supporters who were decorating a stage for the Common candidate when an unknown group of men in six vehicles have opened fire at them.
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The only orangutan held at the Dehiwala National Zoological gardens had passed away yesterday.
The Secretary of the Bodu Bala Sena Organisation Ven Galagodaatte Ganasara Thera was today imprisoned for the third time.
The newly appointed heads of mission of Sri Lanka held discussions with Prime Minister Dr. Harini Amarasuriya today at the Sri Lankan parliament to explore ways to enhance diplomatic cooperation.
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