• Last Update 2024-06-30 14:24:00

19th Asian Games: Rower Maheshi in the semi-finals


Rower Maheshi Liyanage became the first Sri Lankan to make an impression at the ongoing 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou, when she rowed herself to the semi-finals in the Women’s Single Sculls event at the Fuyang Water Sports Centre.

Maheshi finished the 2000m course in 08mts 53:68secs; finishing ahead of her Saudi Arabian opponent Almamy Haya Muhammed, who had a timing of 9mts18:16secs.

China’s Liu Ruiqi (8mts 00:74secs) was the first in this leg while Kuwait’s Alfaqaan Soaad finished second with a timing of 8mts 45:30secs.

In the other three events during the course of the day, the Lankans failed to qualify at the other events with Maheshi Liyanage and Jayani Hirunika finishing fifth in the Women’s Double Sculls.

In the Men’s Single Sculls, Mohamed Nafiran finished in the fourth position, while Nafiran along with Nuwan Sampath in the Men’s Double Sculls (4th) failed to make it to the next round.

In Beach Volleyball, Sri Lanka was involved in two games – Women’s Preliminary Round with Chathurika Madhushani and Deepika Bandara– initially lost to China 2-0 and then lost in a close encounter against Kazakhstan at 2-1 at the Ningbo Banbianshan beach Volleyball Centre.

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