• Last Update 2024-07-19 16:40:00

Athletics: We have a task at hand says new AASL boss Palitha Fernando


After much deliberations the Athletic elections were held and Retd. Major General Palitha Fernando was elected as the new president of the AASL.
Now the incoming office bearers say that intend turning a leaf in athletics in Sri Lanka while other scream about a Mafia controlling the sport. 

The following are the views of both Palitha Fernando and ousted president Sugath Tillekeratne. 

“The main reason for the decline of athletics during the last two years in the island is not due to the performances of the athletes but due to the lacklustre efforts of the administrators,” said the new president of the Athletics Association of Sri Lanka Retd. Major General Palitha Fernando. 
His main effort now is to uplift the standard of athletics. He hopes, before long, to make athletics the number one sport in the island. 

“Now that the elections are over, we must forget our grievances, and we must continue our struggle to keep on winning medals and I request all to join me,” said Palitha Fernando. 

Palitha Fernando is a school level athlete in 1970. 

He represented Panadura Sri Sumangala and he represented the school at the Indo-Sri Lanka Schools 800metres. 

He is currently the president of the Lanka Lions SC and has been a member of the Lions SC since its inauguration. 

When he was in the Sri Lanka Army he was chairman of the Army Sports Council. 

He held posts in the Athletics Association of Sri Lanka for the past twenty years. 

From 2006 to 2013 and 2014 he was president of the Athletics Association of Sri Lanka. After a silence of two years he is back again. 

He is still a council member of the Asian Athletics Association (AAA). 

He took over the present post by defeating former Sri Lanka’s number one athlete Sugath Tillekeratne. 

“Sugath Tillekeratne is a clever athlete who has won several medals for Sri Lanka. We cannot forget his achievements. We still admire his successes. Regarding his performances as president of athletics, one cannot be saddened of his sincere efforts. 

“His main set back is the lack of experience. During his tenure athletics took a back seat. With his efforts now we plan to take athletics further. I have invited him to join us to further the sport. 

“The main target this year is the Asian Athletics Championships to be held in India in July. Winning medals will be our main target. In the history of the Asian Athletics Championships, we have so far won 18 Gold, 13 Silver and 19 Bronze. Unfortunately we were able to win a solitary Bronze at the last edition held in China in 2015. 

“The next target is to focus our attention on the 2018 Asian Games in Indonesia. The same year the Commonwealth Games will take place in Gold Coast, Australia. Since several top countries are taking part in that event, the chances of Sri Lanka winning any medals are rather slim. 

“Then we must plan ahead for the 2020 Olympic Games in Japan. Then again there is the challenge of qualifying for the event. We need the help of coaches for all these efforts. We must discuss this and make a solid plan. 

“I am an independent person, especially where athletics is concerned. I take the clever athlete close and distance the not so clever athlete. I came forward for athletics elections in the past as an independent candidate and obtained over 90 votes and was number one in the Athletics Council over 20 years ago. That popularity I still hold. That is due to the fact that I work tirelessly towards the upliftment of athletics. Weather I hold positions or not, due to my sincerity, I have been appointed to this exalted position, and I am ready to protect it concluded,” Fernando. 
Athletic Mafia 

“Due to a Mafia Group in the athletics field, genuine sportsmen cannot indulge in athletics administration for a long period,” lamented Sugatha Tillekeratne, former president, Athletics Association of Sri Lanka. 

“I know the ins and outs of national and international athletes. In 2015, I came as the athletics president to serve athletes and coaches, not to dole out benefits for athletic officials. 

“Those who expected benefits are the Mafia Group who made sure that I will not be the athletics president any longer." 

Sugath Tillekeratne came forward after the 1992 All Island School Games in Anuradhapura. 

His event was the 400mtrs. 

He went on to win the Asian Games, Asian Championships and South Asian Games bagging Gold medals. Then he went on to represent Sri Lanka in the Commonwealth Games,World Athletics Championships and the Olympics. 

He has a good sports background. In 2015 he contested for the post of Athletics President. 

This is the first time that an international athletic medallist went onto become the youngest president of the Sri Lanka Athletics Association. 

He beat former DIG Upali Kumarasiri for the post. 

That time he obtained 83 votes to 24 against. 

Last week Sugath Tillekeratne lost the post of president by 32 to 79 to Retd. Maj.General Palitha Fernando. 

“This is not the first time that one has lost at an election.This time a Mafia Group intervened. Before this Asian and Commonwealth level medalist Sriyani Kulawansa was beaten receiving only 12 votes at a former athletics election. 

“In the same manner Olympic silver medalist Susanthika Jayasinghe, who was brought to the athletics vice president’s post and her task was made impossible. That is the same thing which happened to me. 

“I think even if Sebastian Coe, the IAAF president, came to Sri Lanka and contested for a post in the athletics association, he too would face the same predicament by this group. This is my personal belief. 

“These is no place for genuine sportsmen in the administrative field. Those who hold positions are those who have very little sports experience. Their aim is not to improve sports development, but to benefit from athletics. 

“Because genuine athletes are a hindrance,this group prevent such athletes from holding important port folios. I am a poor village level athlete. I have no big family life. I am holding the present position purely do my athletics achievements. 

“Those who elevated me to be president in 2015, are the same who ousted me today. They did it not for the love of me or athletics, but to temporarily, to protest the posts that they are interested in. 

“There are allegations that I did not work for athletics during the last two years. Yes. I did not work according to their plans. I worked for athletes and coaches only. But some officers expected benefits such as foreign tours. I did not help them via sponsors and government funds. 

“I admit that there may have been set backs as I had no previous experience of being a president. Knowing my setbacks as an amateur, they brought me in as president. 

“Then when was I working, all what they did was pulling my legs. I did not get the chance to work out my athletics plan. 

“There is the belief that during my tenure that athletics broke down considerably. I would like to ask what the newly elected president Palitha Fernando did during the past six or seven years when he was president? I would like to ask what he did towards athletics? Palitha Fernando should be the first to be blamed for the present debacle that Sri Lanka athletics has fallen into. What he couldn't to then, how can he achieve now? 

“Secretary Prema Pinnawela thinks that only he can manage international affairs. But he has been athletics secretary for nearly 20 years. What has he done with all his experience? 

“The IAAF had suspended the donations that were due to Sri Lanka. But as an international level athlete I went to the IAAF and regained the lost grants which amounted to USD 5,000. Even we can develop international affairs. 

“Present president Palitha Fernando obtained 79 votes, but I think the 32 votes that I obtained is far superior to that. Those who voted for me are genuine sportsmen, not those who run even for the rain." concluded Sugath Tillekeratne.

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