Sri Lanka Customs officials on Friday (24) detected 60 cases of illegally imported foreign cigarettes amounting to Rs. 6 billion. The cigarettes were hidden in a container that had been declared as containing A4 paper bundles. Customs officials also detected a large stock of undeclared foodstuffs containing Urad Dhal, Turmeric Fingers and Turmeric Powder from another container. The importer had attempted to cheat customs duty amounting to over Rs. 9.2 million by declaring the cargo as chickpeas.
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Yoshitha Rajapaksa has been arrested by the CID in Beliatta, the Police said.
Veteran singer Anil Bharathi passed away today.
Yoshitha Rajapaksa has been remanded until January 27.
Sri Lanka Railways is enhancing services for the popular ’Ella Odyssey’ train to boost tourism.
The Anurdhapura Magistrate Court has granted permission to further investigate allegations of obstructing the duties of the Police, levelled against Member of Parliament Dr Archuna Ramanathan and report facts to courts on February 3.
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