There was a historic gathering at S. Thomas' College, Gurutalawa on February 28 and March 1 when around 200 old boys of the school converged on their alma mater from all parts of the island and from overseas for their annual re-union weekend and the 50th Annual General Meeting of the STCG Old Boys' Association.
The school authorities and the OBA Executive Committee had been preparing for the event from the beginning of the year. The College campus looked pristine. Accommodation was provided at the junior dormitories - part of the original building erected by Dr. Hayman and facilities were 'five-star' with the new set of washrooms and toilets erected by the STCG OBA to commemorate the Golden Jubilee. The food was, as usual, of very high quality, the menu and cooking having been overseen personally by the dynamic Senior Vice President, Mahen Ranasinghe.
Pioneer OBA member Bradman Weerakoon delivering his 'after dinner' speech. Also in the picture are one of the Vice Presidents of the STCG OBA Christo Gonawala & the Headmaster. |
Over 100 members arrived by the evening of Friday 27th and Old Boys' Day commenced with the annual Old Boys vs. Present Boys cricket match. The Headmaster E. L. Perera Memorial Challenge Trophy donated for the first time went to the Old Boys team that won the match by one run while M. P. M. M. Weerakoon of the present boys was adjudged 'Man of the Match' for a sterling performance at the crease and for taking the highest number of wickets. The atmosphere at the college grounds was that of a mini 'Big Match'!
A sumptuous lunch was followed by a swimming tournament and basketball match between old boys and present boys and the traditional volleyball match between the support staff and old boys. At 5 p. m. the newly installed cricket Astro Turf and practice wicket donated by Sri Lanka Cricket was declared open by a pioneer old boy- former member of the Board of Governors and Manager of the school Gerald A. W. de Alwis who had been instrumental in obtaining the generous donation.
A record number of members were present at the 50th Annual General Meeting, among them the founder Secretary of the STCG OBA, P. S. Duleepkumar and pioneer members Messrs Bradman Weerakoon and Gerald de Alwis. The AGM was preceded by a special power point presentation prepared by the College Computer Club - a tribute to the school. The annual Secretary's Report and the report of the progress of the School by the Headmaster were also presented, followed by a time of fellowship and a formal dinner.
The final event of the day was the planting of a tree outside the Dining Hall by Mr. Duleepkumar. Four other trees were planted on Sunday morning after the special chapel service by Messrs. Mahen Ranasinghe, S. Rajmohan, Shervon Fernando and M. Thirumurugamoorthi - five trees to commemorate the 50 years.
The traditional Sunday morning service was followed by fellowship breakfast after which the old boys departed, winding up yet another successful reunion weekend.
A special Service of Thanksgiving for the STCG OBA to celebrate the Golden Jubilee was also held on Saturday, March 7, 2009 at 9.30 a. m. in the Chapel of the Transfiguration, S. Thomas' College, Mount Lavinia followed by a time of fellowship at which the Hayman Foundation & Trust Fund was launched.
A new Thomian association
A new Thomian association was launched on March 7 at a brief ceremony in the shadow of the Chapel of the Transfiguration, S. Thomas' College, Mount Lavinia - The Hayman Foundation, that seeks to rally old Thomians of all four schools under the STC Board of Governors, with the primary purpose of supporting the Guru branch.
The idea for a special Foundation had been first mooted in 2007 during the revival programme begun by Jacques Huyghebaert at Gurutalawa. The opportunity to start one presented itself when news reached the authorities that Mrs. Mary Hayman who died in November 2007 had bequeathed a sum of money to the school in her will.
The Haymans |
Dr. R.L.Hayman's legacy has been well documented but one of the finest tributes to him has come from Prof C. C. de Silva: 'No single man has done so much or given so generously, both materially and intellectually to S. Thomas' College, or to any other school for that matter in Ceylon at any time in her long history.''
With Canon R. S. de Saram and Canon A. J. Foster, Dr. Hayman formed a triumvirate that guided the early destinies of the school, but it was he who laid a solid foundation for the school at Gurutalawa combining the ethos of the parent school at Mount Lavinia with its Etonian roots and the spartan ethos of Kurt Hahn's Gordonstoun School. His tenure of office has been the longest of any Headmaster from 1944 to 1964 when he retired to England. He was more than ably supported by the loyal staff, but also by his petite wife Mary who took on the task of surrogate mother with great ease.
Although they retired to England in 1964, the Haymans kept their close links with S. Thomas' College. Dr Hayman passed away in 1983 soon after his last visit to Sri Lanka. Mrs Hayman last visited the school in 1992 when she attended the 50th Anniversary celebrations. She died in November 2007.
When the executors of her last will informed the school that she had left a bequest of 2000 pounds to the school, it was felt that it would be most appropriate to invest the sum in a special Trust Fund that would be part of a new society called 'The Hayman Foundation', so named to pay tribute to two people whose devotion to the service of children touched so many lives during their time at Guru.
The objectives of the Foundation will be to raise funds on a long-term basis to enhance endowments for the benefit of the College. Any old Thomian who would like to be part of this venture could become a member of the Hayman Foundation by depositing a sum of no less than 1/3rd of the approximately Rs.300,000 bequeathed by Mrs Mary Hayman. While this is a prerequisite for membership of the Foundation smaller sums will also be welcome towards the Fund.
The Board of Trustees will comprise the Headmaster (Ex Officio), three nominated members of the College Board of Governors (one of whom shall be the Manager) and two nominated members of the STCG Old Boys' Association. The funds will be invested with the Incorporated Trustees of the Church of Ceylon and disbursed by the Trustees on the request of the Headmaster as and when the Endowment Fund is adequately built up.
For further details please contact the Headmaster, S. Thomas' College, Gurutalawa by mailing him at the school address; telephone or fax on 057 2280000; or email |