Plus - Letters to the editor

Puttalam voters were too scared to go to the polls

The recent North Western Provincial Council Elections in the Puttalam electorate were far from being “free and fair”. The Election Commissioner’s valiant efforts and aspirations did not achieved the desired result.

A UPFA Member of Parliament and Junior Minister K. A. Baiz should be held mainly responsible for the collapse of law and order on the day of the elections and the days before the polls.

The MP forcibly took over the private FM radio station “Noor FM”, and for 48 hours before polling day misused the service to broadcast election propaganda, instead of allowing the usual broadcast of religious programmes.

The MP was also seen with his cohorts and STF bodyguards terrorising the town on the day of election. He ultimately met his Waterloo in the police, who levelled their weapons at him and his henchmen when he attempted to storm a polling booth.

Although senior police personnel intervened to sort out matters, the incident triggered panic and fear and prevented the public from voting.

These are serious infringements of the law. The Election Commissioner should appoint an independent commission to investigate and mete out appropriate punishments to the offenders.

The Election Commissioner should be congratulated for his courage in doing his best to secure a free and fair election, and for cancelling polling at the “Nayakkarchenai” booth and ordering fresh polling – for the first time in the history of elections in Sri Lanka.

M. B. M. Rafi, Puttalam.

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