Jayampathi Bandaranayake, Chairman of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce (CCC), is not seeking the customary second term in office, ending one of the most tumultous years for a chamber head in recent times.
Mr Bandaranayake, embroiled in conflict of interests in the LMS- John Keells (JKH) issue pertaining to the court case, announced at the June 25 monthly meeting of the chamber committee that he was not seeking another term saying he had already indicated earlier that he would only serve one (1-year) term. Chamber heads have traditionally served two terms, totalling two years.
The CCC AGM will be held on July 20, exactly a year after the Supreme Court declared the LMS privatisation deal was unlawful and illegal. The judgment was delivered on the morning of the 2008 AGM which was held in the evening in which the then Chief Justice Sarath Silva didn’t attend although he was the chief guest, excusing himself on the grounds of ‘ill-health’.
Dr Anura Ekanayake, vice chairman will take over as chairman while JKH Chairman Susantha Ratnayake will move up as vice chairman, having served as deputy chairman.
Serious issues of conflict of interest against Mr Bandaranayake emerged during a probe by a CCC Committee to ascertain whether John Keells should be struck off the list as a chamber member owing to strictures made in the judgment.
A joint trip to Singapore by Mr. Bandaranayake and Mr. Ratnayake was seen as a conflict of interest.
The chamber chairman rejected the allegations and during an unusual poll on the issue, cast his deciding vote in favour of JKH, ending a month long impasse on the issue. |