Varnika Soysa Snr. Marketing Manager - IIHE |
When I joined the IIHE marketing team I was of the view that the education market in Sri Lanka was competitive.
However, when one analyzes the education programmes available locally, there are many players, yet only a few who can deliver the quality of standards and expectations of parents and students alike. In that respect IIHE is a cut above the rest, which makes it the obvious choice for those who seek quality education that is internationally recognized, right here in Sri Lanka.
IIHE is committed to providing students with a first-class education, which is the prime objective set by the Board of Directors. It ranks on top when it comes to offering globally recognized degrees, which are affordable with a transparent fee-structure, proving that there are no hidden agendas. Parents can have the peace of mind that their investment is safe and need not unnecessarily worry about fee revisions, and students can simply concentrate on their education.
The standard maintained at IIHE is far superior in comparison to the others in the market. Strict guidelines set by the University of Wales, ensures consistent quality standards. All lecturers need to be approved by UoW and are extensively experienced in their respective industries backed by their educational qualifications. A minimum requirement to be a lecturer at IIHE is a First Degree and nothing less. It is a fully validated off-shore campus of UoW - the second largest in UK. Currently IIHE conducts BSc. (Hon) Business, BSc. (Hon) Computing and MBA programmes; validated and awarded by University of Wales. Hence it is the same qualification and certificate received by any student studying in Wales itself.
Our latest introduction is the BTEC National Diploma in Business (NDB) offered by Edexcel. This is the ONLY genuine alternative to A-levels available in Sri Lanka. The NDB offers access to almost all Universities in UK and the Commonwealth. Unlike many other 'foundation' programmes offered in Sri Lanka the BTEC NDB is the ONLY programme which gives direct access to University, without having to follow other diplomas/qualifications, thus saving plenty of money for parents.
IIHE is in the process of re-locating to keep its promise to provide first class facilities and opportunities to our students. The new, spacious building will provide students with state-of-the-art facilities in an area 25,000 sq.ft. in extent.
IIHE provides a holistic education that prepares students for real-life and gives you more than a mere paper qualification. We welcome parents and students to meet with us and find out more about what we can offer you. |