management or censorship?
What's the government's answer to the increasing
incidence of ceasefire violations by the LTTE? To pretend that such
violations do not happen. That at least seems to be the bottom line,
considering the fact that the government has decreed that all news
emanating from the operational headquarters of the Ministry of Defence,
be channelled through the "Peace Secretariat.''
Our Situation Report on the opposite page carries a detailed report
of the latest Government directive. But it's worth asking who is fooling
whom, in this whole peace charade? The Situation Report also points
out pertinently that the LTTE has not relented in its own dissemination
of anti-government news. The net result is that the government soft
peddles LTTE ceasefire violations, while the LTTE goes ahead full
steam in its own propaganda exercise of discrediting the government
by giving its own version of various incidents that have taken place,
particularly in the so called cleared areas controlled by the Sri
Lankan army.
A tense situation developed last week when some guerrilla leaders
and cadres in uniform attempted to crossover to the Wanni. But the
Sri Lankan defence establishment was not happy, as such a movement
of cadres in uniform with weapons was clearly in violation of the
ceasfire agreement. But, such provocative activities by the LTTE which
the army certainly does not want to condone, are now being subjected
to a virtual censorship by the authorities.
Even though the previous regime resorted to direct censorship at least
during one particular interregnum in its stewardship, the current
trend seems to be even less transparent than direct censorship is.
The government's own media czar who also occupied similar spokesperson
positions during the previous regime has apparently not ruled out
censorship - but the insidious way in which news is to be "managed''
or controlled by the peace secretariat is definitely not exemplary
behaviour by a so called transparent regime.
Apparently the government has lodged almost fifteen times the number
of complaints about ceasefire violations than the LTTE has, and it
is in the government's own interests to ensure that such violations
are known by the public at large and the international community in
particular. But the "see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil''
policy of the government seems to be aimed at maintaining an artificial
"peace euphoria'' while also saving face for the government which
has signed a ceasefire agreement with the LTTE separatists. Apparently
the government's media czars have suspended the publication of daily
situation reports over the army website, which is clearly a signal
for the army to shut up and put up with the ceasefire violations.
It is worth asking what the government seeks to accomplish by muzzling
its own Army in such a way.
Perhaps the government does not want to look too silly - after having
waxed eloquent about a ceasefire agreement which was sold as a precursor
to peace. The fact of the matter is that there are still no real sources
of information other than the Army and the MoD reports, but when these
are being censored obliquely (or managed by the peace secretariat)
there will be confusion and chaos because there will be the element
of independent reporting which will certainly map out at least some
of the violations suppressed by the peace secretariat.
This will only add to the rumour and uncertainty about the entire
peace process - and the peace euphoria perhaps will be damaged more
than the government thinks it will be damaged with a free flow of
information. |
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