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Now: Tigers want mediator at talks
By Ranjith Jayasundara
The LTTE has placed a brand new demand saying it will call for third party mediation for upcoming talks with the Sri Lankan government in Thailand but fell short of naming the party. The LTTE statement issued from its headquarters in the Wanni and broadcast over its radio 'Voice of Tigers' said that this was one of the demands it would be making before talks open.

Already, the Norwegians are playing the role officially as "facilitator" for peace talks, but in early March, Norwegian Foreign Minister Jan Paterson declared in the Oslo Parliament that Norway was acting as "mediator". In effect, this would mean that the LTTE wants a third party - clearly Norway - to sit in what was to be direct government-LTTE talks.

The LTTE declaration came as it reiterated its position that talks could not begin, unless the ban on it was totally lifted. LTTE Political Secretary S. P. Thamil Selvam on Thursday reiterated the group's position that the ban should be totally lifted. Other than the demand of calling for the lifting of the ban and now for third party mediation, the LTTE also has decided to push for the full implementation of the ceasefire agreement between the government and the LTTE.

The LTTE at a meeting with TNA representatives had declared that it would also insist on full implementation of the ceasefire agreement including the withdrawal of the security forces deployed in public places such as schools. The LTTE had declared that it was not satisfied with the progress of the particular clause regarding the withdrawal of security forces.

Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe told The Sunday Times last week that his government also wanted the ceasefire agreement functioning before talks began, giving rise to speculation that peace talks earlier scheduled for May and now June maybe further delayed.

In the north, moves are underway to grant permission for the LTTE to enter the islands off the Jaffna peninsula. Earlier the Navy had denied access to these islands saying that they were part of a security zone.

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