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Police guard for ex-PSD chief's London house
By Tania Fernando
The CID is probing how a police constable was deployed to provide security for a house supposedly in the possession of ex-Presidential Security Chief Nihal Karunaratne in London. The police constable who is reported to be guarding the house in London is said to have obtained a letter from Mr. Karunaratne supporting his visa application. The Police Department has served the officer with a letter of vacation of post.

Separate investigations are being conducted about the police constable himself following the arrest of a fellow police officer who had made a statement implicating him in a robbery. On investigations, the police found that the constable was provided accommodation at a flat in Bambalapitiya along with five other PSD personnel. When the Kompannaveediya Police raided the flat in Bambalapitiya, they found letters allegedly signed by Mr. Karunaratne, recommending the constable for a promotion.

The Sunday Times learns that the PSD had rented out seven flats at the Bambalapitiya Tower Building which is owned by Ocean View Development Company. An official of the company said that although the PSD had rented out seven flats for the past one year, no rent was paid to them. The rent for an apartment is Rs. 25,000 a month.

"The letter requesting for space was signed by Mr. Karunaratne. We have sent them several letters, but todate we have not heard from them," the official said, adding that the PSD personnel had still not officially vacated the premises. Meanwhile, Mr. Karunaratne who is presently on compulsory leave and who has appealed for reinstatement, continues to use the official vehicle that he should have returned to the PSD. The fuel he uses for the vehicle too is said to be on PSD account.

According to investigations, Mr. Karunaratne was involved in the attack on a Kollupitiya Chinese Restaurant belonging to former UNP parliamentarian Sarath Kongahage. Mr. Karunaratne was questioned again by the CID on Saturday with regard to the garage number plates found at the house of Baddegana Sanjeewa, a former PSD officer and a notorious underworld figure. The number plates had been issued to the PSD by the Department of Motor Traffic, the investigations have revealed.

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