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TNA to lobby 'South' on behalf of LTTE
By Shelani Perera
The Tamil National Alliance is scheduled to meet Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe on Tuesday as part of a series of meetings with leaders of political parties, following its discussions with the LTTE.

At a meeting last week, LTTE Political Secretary S.P. Thamil Selvam urged four TNA leaders to campaign for the implementation of the ceasefire agreement and to see that a conducive atmosphere was laid for peace talks in the wake of protests from Sinhala groups.

Strict orders were given to the Tamil representatives by the LTTE to work together and cooperate with the LTTE. TNA parliamentarian A Vinayagamoorthy told The Sunday Times the TNA was planning to meet Sinhala parties to discuss various issues.

"There are several truce clauses which the government is yet to implement. The LTTE wants a guarantee that these will be done before the peace talks. We will be meeting leaders of political parties in this regard," Mr. Vinayagamoorthy said.

The TNA which has been told by the LTTE to carry out a campaign in the south calling for the de-proscription of the LTTE and repealing the PTA this week began its campaign. TULF President M. Sivasithamparam was the first to issue a statement calling for the de-proscription of the LTTE before talks.

TULF parliamentarian Joseph Pararajasingham told The Sunday Times that the TNA would request the Prime Minister to lift the ban on the LTTE when they meet on Tuesday.

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