Mirror Magazine



Comments, criticism or food for thought. Write in to:
The Clothes Line,
Mirror Magazine,
C/o The Sunday Times,
No 8, Hunupitiya Cross Road,
Colombo 2

Beauty is only skin deep
I agree with Chani's 'Discover your natural beauty' published on April 28 and cannot understand why make-up is worn. True beauty should come from within.

However, everyone likes to look good, so they think the only way is to wear make-up. I sometimes wear make-up because my friends think it's abnormal not to.

It's one's personality that matters and not how good looking he or she is. If you are well mannered, decent, trustworthy and good hearted anyone will like you. On the other hand, if you are moody, ill-mannered and hard-hearted, nobody will like you. The main use of make-up is to impress others.

Even if you are good looking, if your personality is horrible no one will be impressed. Build up your personality, that's the most important thing. Remember, good looks can fade away, but your personality will be there forever!

The lonely class

Yesterday's lesson, still on the board.
Benches are covered with dust.
No talk,
No laughs,
Only the sound of my heart beat.
No gorgeous girls,
No glib guys.
But decayed four walls.
No inspiring hints
No joyous jests,
The roof cries without them.
I am spending at my class.
The worst few minutes of my life,
And I can remember,
The delightful days with my colleagues.
A warm tear,
Kisses my cheeks,
"Priya Vipprayogan (Parting from those who love).
is a source of sorrow".
Lord Buddha has sermonized.
My handkerchief is wet.
Lakshitha Pahalagedara,
Kingswood College,

For eternity...
When joys show me the way
Over the sorrows I had,
When hopes blossom in my heart
Despite the love I never had,
Still when I'm able to
Keep my tear drops behind
Why is it I can't pace ahead
Without you holding my hand?
Why is it my heart
still longs for you so much?
Is it the look in your eyes
I was wrapped in?
Or is it the magic in your touch
That kissed away my sadness?
My inner voice tells me
That I'm missing you so much,
Yet the cherished love deep within
Is warming me inside.
For eternity, running, rushing
I'm searching for your love
Though I see you somewhere
So far away from my reach.

Those annoying TV advertisements
It is annoying and fustrating when one's favourite TV programme is interrupted for an inane advertisement that makes little sense. Gone are the days when ads were tasteful and gave a subtle message. Those ads passed on a message without ramming it down one's throat. Nowadays, anything with a brand name prominently displayed will do.

I believe that the fault lies not with the ads but the number of times they are displayed. A young man eating a biscuit may or may not encourage the average viewer to buy the biscuit himself. However, seeing the man eating the biscuit, over and over again during a short commercial break makes the viewer want to stuff all the biscuits down the man's throat.

I simply cannot understand the mindset of these people. Don't they know that the same message, repeated umpteen times in a short time will inevitably make the viewer sick of it.

Maybe there's some deep marketing wisdom that says the average consumer is so dumb his mind will automatically accept anything that is thrown at it repeatedly.

Treat customers with respect
A little courtesy can go a long way" in the Clothesline of April 28 was interesting. Thank you Ishvini for highlighting one of the most disgusting consumer problems today. I also experienced a similar thing at a clothes shop in Kandy.

It was New Year time and I went to that shop with my husband. After selecting what we wanted, we were headed towards the counter and as my husband's credit card was in my purse, I opened the bag and gave it to him. A sales girl then whispered something to another staffer, looking at us suspiciously. After we paid the bill, another girl shouted at me to open my bag.

Usually they do not check handbags but they did in my case.

It was very embarrassing and my husband was upset and angry. It was so unexpected that we couldn't take any action.

Shop owners should train their sales staff on how to treat customers. Do they think that people are thieves?

Inspiring words
* A dream is a wish your heart makes when you are fast asleep.

* A friend is an angel who lifts us off our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.

* Imagination is like a magic carpet. It can take you anywhere.

* The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.

* Don't be afraid to open up your eyes, so you can see tomorrow.

* The world is like a mirror. If you face it smiling, it smiles right back.

* Do not run through life so fast that you forget not only where you have been but also where you are going.

* Life is not a race but a journey to be savoured, each step of the way.

* Don't let your life slip through your fingers by living in the past or for the future. By living your life one day at a time you live all the days of your life.

* Do not undermine your worth by comparing yourself to others. It is because we are different that each of us is special.

* Do not set your goals by what other people deem important. Only you know what is best for you.

* Do not be afraid to encounter risks. It is by taking chances that we learn how to be brave.

* Do not give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying. It is a fragile thread that binds us to each other.
Sent by Sr. Rupika Perera (SCJM),

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