Eight out of ten
Tiger guerrillas agreed to eight out of ten conditions placed by the Government to permit their cadres to visit islands outside the Jaffna peninsula for political activity. This is in accordance with the February Ceasefire Agreement. The only island they cannot visit will be Mandativu, which has been declared a security zone.

Their cadres will continue to wear their cyanide capsules during visits. They will also stay overnight in the islands if they so wish.

The Government demands that they do not carry cyanide capsules or stay overnight, were rejected by the guerrillas during talks where members of the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM) participated.

No DPL immunity
A high ranking Foreign Ministry official was invited to be the chief guest at the prize giving of his alma mater in the Jaffna peninsula.

On the drive to the northern capital, he had to make the now customary stop at LTTE's "customs" point at Puliyankulam along the A-9 highway.

There he had to declare the goods he was carrying. He had to cough out Rs 950 as "duty" for a bottle of Black Label Whisky he was carrying.

The Puliyankulam "customs" point of the LTTE appears to be one place where there is not even diplomatic immunity or privilege Foreign Ministry officials could claim in other parts of the world.

Cleared at last
Brazil's Foreign Ministry has at long last cleared General Rohan de S. Daluwatte, as Sri Lanka's Ambassador to that country.

Gen. Daluwatte, now on a private visit to United States, is due in Colombo shortly to make his farewell calls on Government leaders before taking over the diplomatic appointment.

The easy way
The man in uniform in the salubrious hills sent a huge basket of vegetables to the Sabaragamuwa businessman. What it had - large tomatoes, over-sized cabbages and giant potatoes among others - would have won a prize at any agricultural show.

But why it was dispatched in a special vehicle, all the way from the hills to the City of Gems, became clear only after the chummy businessman arrived for a holiday at the hills.

He was a guest at the chalet of the man in uniform. There are whispers now the man is eyeing a two star slot and wants to overtake his colleagues.

What better way to do it than through this businessman buddy. He has the ear of the politico who matters. That seems the easy way to win two stars.

Security of a kind
Not to be outdone by the withdrawal of his security, the PA tough man put his "thinking cap on." That's the word he uses when he has to solve a knotty problem.

He ordered trousers, shirts and shoes for a handful of household staff - gardener, helpers and errand boys.

They now follow the boss' small passenger coach in another vehicle. Instead of walkie-talkies, one carries a cellular phone. Instead of guns, they have a few poles.

Just six months ago, one could not have imagined such a fate would befall someone so powerful.

Indiscretions of a Major
An amorous Major is now facing a Court Martial Inquiry somewhere in a camp in Wanni after his indiscretions with a female colleague. It is alleged to have occurred at his own promotion party after he invited her to dance.

His boss, who heard of the matter, took a serious view.

Now, comes the news of the boss himself, known for his penchant for ambarella chutney, being at the centre of a more juicier drama.

Security conscious
Though with little or no experience (not to mention any service), the well connected man has "taxied" his way into a top Security Officer's post. That too in a vital area from where hundreds depart or return daily.

Now comes the news that the man has asked for a Police walkie-talkie. He wants to be on the ready to alert them within seconds if there is another attack.

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