TV Times & Entertainment

Samanthi: member of "Hiru DJ" Team.  Pic. by Mettasena . Hair & Makeup: Ramani Fernando Salons.
Samanthi: member of "Hiru DJ" Team.
Pic. by Mettasena
Hair & Makeup: Ramani Fernando Salons


Four 'light years' for Hiru FM
By Chamintha Thilakarathna
Four years ago, a young radio station called out to the nation in sounds of 'Hiru FM'. Today, they are a blooming and popular channel whose vibrations spread to each end of Sri Lanka giving novelty to ear drums.

Sudeva Hettiarachchi, Assistant Programme Manager at Hiru FM says that it was a tough road but they travelled smooth. "We started as a Colombo based radio station but later we managed to attract listeners from around the island as we expanded," he said.

Launched on the first of July 1998, anyone who asks what their motto is from the staff, the answer would always be, "stay young at heart". This they say is what drives and inspires them.

"Our station is not for the young, but for the young at heart, just like all the staff we have here. Being able to think young, is an important component for creativity," Sudeva said.

The twenty-four hour service however, does comprise of a young team of twenty two members.

The TV Times managed to catch up with a couple of busy disc jockeys in between their programmes.

It has been two and a half years since Samanthi Edirisinghe (23), who is our cover girl this week, joined Hiru unexpectedly. Her experience she says has been fulfilling and fun. "I enjoy my work here and we always try to give something new and fresh to the listeners and that keeps me occupied most of the day," she said. If you want to catch her live tune into Hiru on Saturdays for the Top forty from 2-5 p.m. and on weekdays from 4-6 p.m on the evening request show.

Nuwan Liyanage (28) is another aspiring young disc jockey who has been there since the inception of the station. Better known on air as "pattara malli" he gives a glimpse into world of news every morning at 7.35 a.m.

Among the panel of DJs Chandima Darshanath (25), Sajith Ratnayaka (25)along with Nuwan they say were the first to introduce the night club disco music format in Sinhala medium where non-stop music is played back to back.

The rest of the staff who join in celebrating their fourth birthday are Aravinda Lokuge, Teja Perera, Krishantha Dayananda, Chanuka Samarakoon, Malki Perera, Rajini Jaliyagoda, Yohan Liyanage, Chamila Galewala, Dinusha Priya-darshana, Sumedha Amara-singhe, Vindana Prasad, Devika Gunesekara, Para Nelipta, Nuganthi Vathuhena, Lasantha Wijeywickrema and Chamila Prasad and Gayan Chanaka.

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