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CID to hand over PSD files to Attorney General
By Tania Fernando
The CID will hand over files of investigations into three cases involving the Presidential Security Division personnel, including its former boss Nihal Karunaratne, to the Attorney General soon, detectives said yesterday.

They said these files contained reports on the alleged assault on singers Rukantha and Chandraleka Gunathileke, the incident at Cricket Board headquarters and the alleged attack on the Sunday Leader Editor.

The detectives said that the CID investigations had established the involvement of PSD personnel in the incident at Cricket Board Headquarters. Former PSD Chief Nihal Karunaratne had given a statement to the CID that he was merely following orders from above when he was questioned about the PSD presence during the cricket board elections.

Ten of the 20 PSD personnel arrested in connection with the attack on Rukantha and Chandraleka Guanthileke have been released. Meanwhile, the CID is still on the lookout for a labourer attached to the PSD, who was allegedly involved in the assault on media personnel at Liberty Roundabout.

Investigations into the killing of Satana Editor Rohana Kumara are still continuing. Former Presidential Media Advisor Sanath Gunathilake has also been questioned in connection with the case and the attack on actress Anoja Weerasinghe.

Mr. Gunathilake was arrested and released on bail. Detectives also said the ex-PSD boss and seven Army Commandos would be produced in courts for allegedly preventing a police officer from arresting four underworld criminals who were at the house of Baddegana Sanjeewa, a one-time PSD officer.

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