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Guns mounted for no-faith debates
By Dilrukshi Handunnetti
The Opposition and the Government are mounting their guns for a full-scale battle in parliament, with several no-confidence motions lined up for the coming weeks. Opposition Leader Mahinda Rajapakse said they were finalising motions against Interior Minister John Amaratunga, Consumer Affairs Minister Ravi Karunanayake and probably the UNF government itself.

He said the thrust of the no-confidence motions would be what the opposition saw as the miserable failure to control the cost of living, arbitrary arrests and continuing harassment of PA members and supporters. But the government is also ready for explosive counter action.

Minister Amaratunga said the UNF government would not sidestep or resist the no-confidence motions but would take delight in them because they provided an opportunity to expose what the former regime had done or failed to do. Mr. Amaratunga said the government was ready to give not just days but even a whole week for the no-confidence motions.

Mr. Rajapakse said the opposition would also welcome a full week's debate.

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