

More tourists from India and Malaysia
A big increase in the arrival of tourists from Malaysia and India has been seen in the first six months of this year.

Tourist arrivals from Malaysia more than doubled in the first half of the year to 5,022 from 2,410.

The government is trying to attract Malaysian investments in the island.

Last Sunday, Malaysian Airlines launched flights to Colombo. It was the first international airline to launch new flights after the Tamil Tiger terrorist attack on the Katunayake international airport last July.

On Monday, Malaysia's Minister of Works and Public Utilities S. Samy Vellu arrived for a two-day visit during which he discussed investments in infrastructure like ports and airports.

The number of tourists arriving from India increased by 72 percent to 33,873 from 19,653 in the period up to June, the Tourist Board said. India now accounts for the largest number of tourists visiting the island.

The increase in Indian tourists came as a result of the special promotion campaign launched by the Tourist Board and the national carrier SriLankan Airlines last year.

Region-wise, Western Europe accounted for the largest number of tourists - over 83,000 - with the bulk of them coming from the United Kingdom and Germany.

However, the numbers coming from Europe were down more than 40 percent compared with the first half of last year.

Overall, total tourist arrivals - at 173,136 - was almost a quarter less than the numbers in the same period last year.

Warner Bros movies via ETV
US television programmes producer Warner Brothers have reaffirmed their presence in the Sri Lankan television industry with the supply of a new entertainment line-up to local television channel ETV.

Tony Cornish, Director Sales Asia Pacific, Warner Brothers (Australia) Pty. who was on one of his regular territorial visits here, said that they had reached an understanding with ETV to provide high profile programming content. Warner Brothers have been having a Sri Lankan presence for almost two decades with the government television channel being aggressive in programming content a few years ago. However, of late the private channels have become their biggest customers.

Lakshman Bandaranayake, Managing Director of Vanguard, the managing company of ETV said that in recent years the television industry had been hit both by the economic setbacks and the power crisis. He said there is a revival of advertising by consumer durables and that this is a sign of growth beginning to set in. With this ETV is re-emphasising its philosophy towards quality entertainment.

Their choice in Warner Brothers is due to the quality of American programming which has been having a proven track record in Sri Lanka, driven by international exposure and aspirations of the local viewers.

Warner Brothers is one of the premier television programme production companies in the USA and is rated number one in the Asian region.

The company this year has 95 EMI award nominations to its credit with leading programmes like Friends, 7th Heaven, ER, etc. (AA)

Loss-making Tristar disposes of eight of its 30 factories
Tri-Star Apparel Exports Pte Ltd, the struggling garments exporter, has denied reports that it plans to close any one of the 22 factories that it says are doing well performing non-quota orders.

The company was reacting to reports that trade unions have said eight more factories of the company were to be closed so that operations could be shifted to countries like Uganda and Botswana.

"We have no intention of closing any of the (22) factories. Our intention is to make the company financially viable and strong so that it could face the stiff challenges the garment industry faces in the years ahead particularly from African states where most nations enjoy quota free and duty free exports to the USA," the statement from Tristar Senior Deputy Chairman Sarath de Silva said.

The company said it was compelled to temporarily cease operations in eight of the 30 factories three months ago with the approval of the labour commissioner. Employees were paid 50 percent of their wages though not working and their EPF and ETF contributions too paid up, according to the agreement.

"The company was forced to take this course of action as it had no other alternative in the face of intense pressure from the banks to close down these loss making factories and dispose of them to settle the dues to the banks," it said.

Tristar said its interests in Uganda and Botswana have no relation to the situation of its factories in Sri Lanka because in those countries, the group had invested only in the provision of technical know-how and training while the governments in those countries provided the manpower and infrastructure including payment of wages to employees.

De Silva said if adequate quotas are released to the eight factories which are closed, the company would be able to resume operations on a viable footing. "However, at the present juncture the company has no other alternative than to dispose of the eight factories for which the company has called for quotations from bidders," he said.

Indian Oil Corporation to supply bunkers in Trinco
The Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) plans to supply bunkers to vessels calling at Trincomalee, according to its proposals submitted to the government.

The IOC, which will enter the Sri Lankan market under a Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Indian and Sri Lankan governments, has submitted its plans to the Board of Investment and the government's energy committee.

It has also asked for concessions on port charges for the coastal movement of its tankers that will move petroleum products from Trincomalee to Jaffna, government officials said.

The Indian oil major will lease the oil tank farm in China Bay, Trincomalee and spend about three billion rupees in a phased programme to develop the tank farm, jetty and pumping facility, and retail outlets.

It will initially spend about Rs. 220 million to refurbish and use about 10-15 tanks in China Bay to store product for distribution in the north and east and later market the rest to other players. Petroleum products would be shipped from the IOC's refinery in Chennai, India.

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