

New contribution collection at ETF
The Employees' Trust Fund (ETF) has launched a new collection system for contributions from this month in liaison with Citibank.

An official statement said the ETF Board has taken steps to bring it closer to the employers while providing more benefits to those employers who contribute large sums as dues.

"In pursuance of this new customer oriented policy the ETF had developed a system of picking up ETF contribution cheques from employer's offices with no additional cost to them. Initially this facility has been limited to employers who pay over Rs. 150,000 per month. ETF had identified approximately 225 employers who are contributing over 150,000 per month and the total revenue collected from this category of employers is in the range of Rs. 110-130 million," it said.

Seminar on law and order
The Law and Order Sub-Committee of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce will hold a seminar on September 19 at the auditorium of the chamber on the law and order situation in the country and how it is affecting business and foreign investment.

The seminar will be on the theme 'Law and Order and Business' with the main speakers being Tom T. Ellawala, Chairman-Law and Order Sub-Committee, Prof. M.T.A. Furkhan, Chairman, Confifi Group of Companies, Ranjit Abeysuriya, President's Counsel and DIG H.M.G.B. Kotakadeniya, Senior Deputy Inspector-General of Police (Crime, Criminal Intelligence and Organised Crime).

Six new drugs in the market
Six new pharmaceutical products were launched last week by Aristopharma Ltd, a leading pharmaceutical industry in Bangladesh in collaboration with Chemanex Ltd, Sri Lanka.

Antibiotics, anti-ulcerant and anti-diabetic drugs were introduced to the Sri Lankan market in a joint venture by Chemanex, a local pharmaceutical company and Aristopharma.

Among the pharmaceuticals launched were Aristocef and Extracef which come in the form of capsules and powder are broad spectrum antibiotics for upper and lower respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections and surgical wound infections.

AZ 250 is an antibiotic for protection against acute and chronic bacterial infections while Omep 20 is an anti-ulcerant and Glucozid, an anti-diabetic drug for insulin dependent and non-insulin dependent diabetic patients.

Aristopharma, an accredited supplier to SPC under worldwide tenders, launched the new products after tying up with Sri Lanka's Chemanex Ltd, a long standing name in the supplies of disinfectants to local hospitals.

More products are expected to be introduced to the local market in the future.

Sri Lanka is among six other countries including Hong Kong, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Bhutan and Pakistan to which Aristopharma exports its products, Marketing Manager Dalilur Rahman said.

SL's first wine club launched
Alpha Orient Lanka, a subsidiary of Alpha Airport Group Plc of the UK, launched Sri Lanka's first ever Wine Club titled "Labels" last week.

Speaking at the launch, Alpha Retail's Managing Director for the region, Paul Topping said with the growing interest in wines, Orient Lanka felt that the time was right to launch its own Wine Club.

"After extensive research amongst our existing domestic and duty free customers as well as others, we have established the fact that there is a need for a Wine Club of quality."

Topping said client research showed 71 percent wanted to know more about wine, 75 percent said they would buy wine on the Internet while 33 percent said they preferred to drink wine at home. "Having received such an enthusiastic response to our survey, we know there is a growing trend in Sri Lanka which justifies the existence of a Wine Club."

Whilst "Labels" will cater to wine buffs, its real target in the months to come will be people who are starting to appreciate wine or those who just enjoy wine.

According to wine sales figures, 34 percent prefer wine to other drinks, 65 percent prefer red wine, 66 percent appreciate having some help when purchasing their wine while 55 percent buy wine as a gift.

At the launch of Labels, a total of eight wines were sampled, four reds and four whites from Australia, Chile, France and the US.

CRESCAT installs financial system
Crescat Developments, developers of the prestigious Crescat Residencies and Crescat Boulevard together with their local franchise partner Delifrance, in a bid to provide a good financial management system, now have all their financial information running live on the latest version of Sybiz Vision.

Sybiz which is the internationally acknowledged superior financial software package, was installed at Crescat by Kingslake Engineering Systems who are the local partners for Sybiz.

Crescat's Financial Controller Eshan Perera said they chose Sybiz Vision because of its powerful windows-based, modular integrated accounting programme, with its multi user options. "We are now able to conduct a range of transactions such as maintaining stocks efficiently, maintaining debtors separately and retrieving a detailed breakdown of item wise income per customer, thus giving us the flexibility and accuracy that we have been looking for in a financial software system in order that we may remain competitive," he said.

Next mega industrial exhibition in Matara
By Sinniah Gurunathan in Trincomalee
The next mega Yuga Dekma industrial fair will be held in the southern town of Matara on August 6 next year, Industries Minister Rohitha Bogollagama said last week at the end of the successful five-day first-ever industrial fair in Trincomalee.

The prime minister and Central Bank governor, A.S. Jayawardena at the exhibition.

More than 600,000 people viewed the exhibition from August 16 to August 21, according to Dr. Bandula Perera, Chairman of the Industrial Development Board (IDB) and of the exhibition committee.

The total cost of the exhibition was around 30 million rupees." Not a single cent was borrowed from the central government. The money came from private sector participation," he said.

"Within 35 days we made all arrangements for the exhibition which was held at the Trincomalee esplanade spanning across 24 acres where 15 pavilions and around 240 stalls were put up."

The Board of Investment of Sri Lanka, Central Bank of Ceylon, public and private sector establishments, including many foreign companies, were among the stallholders.

"The main aim of the exhibition was to show the world what Trincomalee could offer to international investors. People can come and invest in Trincomalee. We have shown them not by words but by deeds with Yuga Dekma," Perera said.

"Already companies from India and Korea have shown interest in investing in Trincomalee. Five major investments are to take place in Trincomalee soon, " he added.

During the exhibition period, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe ceremonially opened the brand new Multi- Purpose Alongside Berth (MPAB) called the Ashraff Quay named after former Ports and Shipping Minister M.H.M. Ashraff. "Trincomalee port will play a vital role to boost trade to and from the north, east, north central province and Dambulla," said the premier in his speech.

An international investor forum was held in Trincomalee on August 18, which was presided over by Prof. G.L. Peiris, Minister of Enterprise Development, Industrial Policy, Investment Promotion and Constitutional Affairs. It was the first such forum to be held outside Colombo.

Peiris said the country was to be divided into five economic zones that would ensure efficient use of land, water and the resources of the locality to strengthen the economy of the region. He said the prime minister would make a policy statement in parliament next month listing out this process and the benefits.

IDB's Perera said the board has several projects to be launched in Trincomalee such as food processing technology and fisheries to infuse enthusiasm among local industrialists. "Let the small man rise," he said.

The IDB has established its regional office in Trincomalee. The IDB has already taken steps to establish an industrial estate in a 100-acre plot at Kappalthurai, eight miles from Trincomalee town on the Trincomalee-Colombo highway.

The land allocated to the proposed Industrial Estate belongs to the Urban Development Authority, the IDB chairman said."For everything peace has to prevail. Otherwise the whole country will be finished," he said.

NDB Bank to expand this year
NDB Bank opened a branch in Kandy last week with its CEO Eran Wickremaratne saying that the decision to open the bank's first outstation branch in the central capital was based on a strategic business decision.

"The Kandy branch is the first of several outstation branches the bank intends to open during the course of the year.

These branches would be complemented by ATM's, phone banking and in the future, Internet banking facilities," he said at the opening attended by NDB Bank chairman S.K. Wickremasinghe and NDB Director/General Manager Nihal Welikala.

NDB Bank, an associate of the NDB, began operations last October last year with the acquisition of the Sri Lankan branch of ABN AMRO Bank. NDB Bank's Kandy branch will have the first touch-screen automated teller machine in the country, a bank statement said.

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