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Mangala gets back his cheque book
By Harinda Vidanage
Chief Opposition Whip Mangala Samaraweera's missing cheque book that surfaced during a TV show has been handed over to him by the Police after a co-host of the TV show gave it to the police.

The cheque book which went missing along with the briefcase and computer of Chief Opposition Whip Mangala Samaraweera at the opposition leader's residence was handed over to the Cinnamon Gardens police this week.

Mr Samaraweera had lodged a complaint with the Police only after the missing cheque book was produced on a TV news show on a private channel. Cinnamon Gardens crimes branch inspector S. B. Baddewala said they were conducting further investigations into the loss of the personal property of Mr. Samaraweera and have recorded the statement of the co-host of the programme. Earlier a statement was recorded from the other co-host.

The co-host reportedly told police that he received many documents relating to news stories and the cheque book was also received in that manner. However police are conducting further investigations.

SLFP sources said Mr. Samaraweera had made the complaint because he feared the chequebook might be used to tarnish his name as in the earlier credit card stories.

Meanwhile, Opposition Leader Mahinda Rajapakse who had earlier called in retired DIG Tilak Iddamalgoda to probe the mystery of the missing brief case has now called off the private probe till the official probe by the police is completed.

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