
No security, no CBK at Freedom Day celebration
Former President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga wanted to attend Sri Lanka's 58th Independence anniversary celebrations yesterday at the Galle Face Green but gave up the thought because she could not take her full security retinue.

She is learnt to have telephoned Chief of Defence Staff, Admiral Daya Sandagiri on Friday to ask whether the Galle Face venue would be secure for her to take part in the celebrations.

The latter is said to have assured her that it was safe, and that adequate measures had been taken to protect those attending the parade.

However, later issues have arisen when Ms. Kumaratunga wanted to take a full security retinue to the venue. This was turned down. Even President Mahinda Rajapaksa, it was pointed out, was coming with a moderate team of guards.

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