times, our mores, our search engines
By Rajpal Abeynayake
Has Google gone ga-ga?
Apart from the attempt at aliteration, there is significance in
that question. Recently, Google the world's search site for everything
from noodle recipes to Nirvana, gave up its policy of never encouraging
evil. Or at least so they say.
In order to capture the Chinese market Google agreed to blot out
certain sites from the Google China version.
has human rights activists screaming at Google, saying the site's
owners have given up on the Chinese people for filthy lucre.
But that's not the issue, really is it?
What human rights with Google?
With Google anybody can find anything about anybody else. Well,
There is such a thing as Google-stalking. It might sound a bit alienating,
talking of Google in this country.
country's problems are generally greater than what can be stated
in six letters --- "G-o-o-g-l-e.'' Gargantuan is more like
But, Google has slunk under-radar into the Sri Lankan culture. Recently,
two scholars engaged in a debate, and one claimed that he is more
Google-cited in ‘Google scholar’.
Google does nasty things of course. Google News picks up some newspapers,
and not others. That depends on some cosy arrangement.
This gets some articles cited more than others, but as if Google
gives a two cents about that. It boils down to the fact that Google
has a stranglehold over more things in our lives than can be imagined.
is the ultimate globalizer, and Sri Lanka is also caught by the
jugular by Google. They have the temerity to tell me about human
rights in China? There are other things Google should feel guilty
about, but since everybody is talking about human rights in China,
I almost feel a little shy talking about Google's other seamier
wants to put novels in its Google library, and that violates copyright.
This is being stiffly resisted, but Google's original intention
is somewhat gross.
In other words nothing is sacrosanct anymore now that we are all
creatures of Google. Next time it is possible that what's written
here is taken over by Googgle before it reaches you, or before it
reached even my computer -- right out of my brain, right into Google-search,
with those long ooooooooooooooooos.
is primeval; its as if computer viruses and computer worms came
to life, and the worms became large Gooooooogle searches -- and
started sucking the life out of the people of this world like a
tape worm sucking on an intestine.
Google is big brother squared -- big brother to the 25th power.
Google is George Orwell's worst nightmare magnified seventeen times.
But even so life without Google is also difficult.
you Yahoo" is like a nice little reminder of the stone-age
Flintstones, compared to the cry "do you Google?"
If you do not Google -- then you should be recommended for a Nobel
Prize yet to be invented.
do you live gracefully while Googling and yet not grossing out others
with your snoopy behavior?
I suppose the best would be not to Google excessively, but to do
it with reference to one's own cultural moorings. For example, if
you want to find anything about Kumaratunge Munidasa do not go to
Google, ask the man's nephew.
Google is always there -- like a grandpa who is both a sweet man
and a cantankerous know-it-all. This grandpa will oooze Munidasa
Kumaratunge out of his exhaust.
We do not know whether to dump him or to give thumbs up.