
We are taking it seriously says US Embassy
The US embassy in Colombo said it was taking the issue of forged visas very seriously. US Embassy Information Officer Helaena W. Rathore said the visas had been examined by officials of the Embassy and that it has been determined that they were forgeries. “The U.S. takes the forgery of its travel documents very seriously.

“The Embassy is very grateful for the co-operation of the Sri Lanka CID in this case. Clearly, the Sri Lankan government takes fraud issues seriously as well,” Ms. Rathore said.

Stressing that she could not give more details regarding the ongoing probe, she said Sri Lankans should be vigilant and suspicious of any individual organisation claiming to have the ability to arrange US visas for a fee. “Any such incident should be reported to Sri Lankan or US authorities for further investigation,” Ms. Rathore said.

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