IPS releases seven new publications
The Institute of Policy Studies has released seven
new publications, copies of which could be obtained at the IPS office
at No. 131, St. Michael’s Road, Colombo 03, and leading bookshops
They are “Livelihoods in Post-Tsunami Sri
Lanka: “Building Back Better?” - edited by Paul Steele
which provides analysis to the government, NGOs and development
agencies to support livelihood recovery among tsunami affected households
so that they may “build back better ”, “Annotated
Bibliography of Microfinance in Sri Lanka: 1980-2005 – by
Ganga Tilakaratna, Ayodya Galappattige and Thusitha Kumara, dealing
with microfinance issues; “Devolution Revisited: Towards a
More Effective Devolutionary Polity” by Shelton Wanasinghe
which assesses the experience of the functioning of the Provincial
Council system in Sri Lanka since its introduction in 1987; “A
Framework for Social Accounting Matrices (SAMs) for Sri Lanka -
by Jayatilleke S. Bandara and Athula Naranpanawa; “Sri Lanka
National Health Accounts 2000 – 2002” – by an
IPS Research Team; “Microfinance in Sri Lanka: A Household
Level Analysis of Outreach and Impact on Poverty” - by Ganga
Tilakaratna, Upali Wickramasinghe and Thusitha Kumara; and “Decentralization
and Provincial Finance in Sri Lanka: 2004 - An Update” by
D D M Waidyasekera.