Eagle MDRT Qualifiers increase every year
More and more insurance advisors of Eagle Insurance
Company are qualifying to attend the annual Million Dollar Round
Table (MDRT) conference - the international conference based in
USA where the best insurance producers in the world gather annually.
This year the number rose to 23, up from 16 last year, the company
"With the excellent performances by our insurance
advisors, the numbers of MDRT qualifiers keep increasing",
an Eagle Insurance spokesman was quoted as saying. "It's no
easy task to qualify. Training facilities provided by Eagle, hard
work and consistency pave the way for them to achieve this goal".
Among the qualifiers is Eagle’s super insurance
advisor Ajith Fernando who has had the rare distinction of being
admitted to the 'Court of the Table' of the Million Dollar Round
Table, an honour which is reserved for insurance sales performers
with over triple the minimum requirement for MDRT.