Two Sri Lankan students on Cathay Pacific adventure
Two students from Sri Lanka have been offered the
opportunity to participate in the International Wilderness Experience
2006 from August 22 to 30 organised by Cathay Pacific Airways.
The short listed Sri Lankan applicants will be
called for interviews on July 18 and the winners will join 46 others
between the ages of 16-18 from South Asia to Johannesburg, South
Africa who will learn about humanities impact on the earth’s
ecology and participate in related numerous cross cultural activities.
The students will be taken to the museum village
Botshabelo in Johannesburg. They will be exposed to activities such
as a nature appreciation walk, mapping countries, media and delegates
meetings & interviews, to perform a mock wedding, a boat trip
and many more.
The student ambassadors will have their air tickets,
accommodation, course fees and ground transport in South Africa
sponsored by Cathay Pacific while having to fund their travel insurance
and pre-departure preparations approximately amounting to Rs.7000.
Application forms are available at the Cathay Pacific Airways Colombo
head office. The International Wilderness Experience in its 12th
consecutive year gives the participants a unique opportunity to
meet young students from other countries and to learn from other
cultures. It also gives them an opportunity to enhance their self-awareness,
self-confidence and assist in developing a personal value system
and a holistic view about the world in general.