church takes historic step
It was both solemn and joyful, `The
Service of Ordination of Women as Priests', when Rev.
Malini Devananda, Rev. Chandrika Mayurawathi and Rev.
Glory Jeyaraj made history at the Cathedral of Christ
the Living Saviour on Bauddhaloka Mawatha on Thursday,
September 14 evening.
The newly ordained Anglican women
priests (from left) Rev. Malini Devanada, Rev. Gloria
Jeyaraj and Rev. Chandrika Mayurawathie with the
Colombo Bishop Rt. Rev. Duleep de Chickera, greeting
the congregation after the ordination ceremony.
The priests were ordained in a solemn ceremony amid
a large gathering at the Cathedral of Christ the
Living Saviour. Pic by Dunstan Wickremaratne |
The three of them had been ordained
as Deacons in 2003. This day saw the culmination of
their long journey towards their goal of full acceptance
as equal partners with male clergy in serving God and
His church. It was as far back as 1983 that formal “Conversations”
were first initiated in the Anglican church on the “Ministry
of Women in the Church in Sri Lanka” - the very
year that saw the Methodist Church of Sri Lanka ordain
women for the first time.
Representatives of other denominations
took their places in reserved seats with the Buddhist
clergy seated up front.
At 4.00 pm there was a roll of drums
and the long procession wound its way up the aisle followed
by Bishops, Archdeacons and other church dignitaries
with the three ordinands walking behind the Colombo
Bishop the Rt. Rev. Duleep de Chickera and overseas
visitors and local Anglican clergy bringing up the rear.
The whole service was trilingual.
Very appropriately, the assembled choirs led the congregation
in singing the Magnificat (the Virgin Mary’s paean
of praise to God), simultaneously in Sinhala and Tamil.
After the reading of the Scriptures,
Mrs. Lathika Ratnanayagam gave the Address in English.
She emphasised that it was the women followers of Jesus
who went to the tomb and found it empty, while the male
disciples were hiding, and that it was Mary Magdalene
who was the first witness to the resurrection of Christ.
One rather touching item in the Order
of Service came when the family members of the ordinands
were invited to come and "release" their loved
ones to God's service. As the three women stood facing
the congregation, relatives came forward and embraced
their own.
Rev. Yohan Devananda looked especially
happy to have welcomed his wife, Malini, to membership
in the full ministry. Greetings from the World Church
were then brought before the gathering, starting with
a message from the Archbishop of Canterbury, who rejoiced
that the Anglican Church in Sri Lanka had taken this
step forward.
The message was read out by Mrs. Chitra
There were also messages of congratulations
from the Diocese of Exeter in England, and from the
Anglican Church of Canada, the United Societies for
the Propagation of the Gospel, the Church Missionary
Society, and one from the Diocese of Kurunegala, given
by Bishop Andrew Kumarage.
The three were vested according to
the Order of Priests and then presented them to the
congregation with the words, "Receive them with
kindness, love and respect."