years of Alzheimer’s disease
September 21 marks World Alzheimer's
Day 2006 and also 100 years of Alzheimer's disease.The
Lanka Alzheimer's Foundation as a member of Alzheimer's
Disease International offers the following services
to the community:
= Awareness building
= Family counselling
= Dementia helpline
= Caregiver support
= Availability of resource materials
= Public lectures / media releases
= Home visits
= Sponsorship of the Psycho-geriatric Wards at the National
Mental Hospital
For more information call the Dementia
Helpline - 011 2583488, E-mail: alzheimers_foundation.ws
Website: www.alzlanka.org
In his message, Chairman Alzheimer's
Disease International Orien Reid said, "As the
world unites to commemorate World Alzheimer's Day 2006,
it is a time to reflect on all that has been achieved
in the last one hundred years since Dr Alois Alzheimer
described the disease that is now so prevalent. ADI
now has 75 member associations in 75 different countries.
In each of these countries associations are working
hard to raise awareness on dementia and to reach out
to people with dementia and carers in the community.
Together we work to help people with dementia and their
carers secure better treatment and care.
"As the number of people with
dementia around the world reaches epidemic proportions
there has never been a better time to work together
and bring dementia out of the shadows and into the foreground.
The public must be informed and educated about dementia
and governments need to prepare their health and social
systems. They must provide quality community-based services,
invest in research and give access to new treatments.
We have no time to lose in making dementia a global
health priority.”