Eureka’s web solution
to Norway web solutions company
Eureka Technology Partners Interactive Media (Eureka
IM) unit recently launched a site for a web solutions company in
Norway. Created for innovative Interactive Media Solutions provider,
Code Interactive Ltd, the website that Eureka IM conceptualised
and executed portrays itself as a vibrant canvas that highlights
Code’s exceedingly imaginative creative vision.
This web solution marks an increase in projects
between Eureka IM and Code, which allows access for Eureka to Norwegian
market, and later to the entire Scandinavian region, the Sri Lankan
company said.
The Code website is a very visually stunning representation
encompassing unique design elements, such as a rotating menu and
free falling contact sheet, created using flash, which allow users
an insight into the exceptionally creative culture and potential
of this interactive media solutions company on the verge of becoming
a mainstream supplier to the web and graphics industry.
More a work of interactive art than a corporate
site, the website manages to put forward the Code’s creative