I read with interest the news item, “Good medicine for import crisis” (The Sunday Times, February 1), as well as two letters, one from Adrian Basnayake of the Sri Lanka Chamber of the Pharmaceutical Industry (SLCPI) and M. K. P. Chandralal of the People’s Movement for the Rights of Patients (February 8 and 15 respectively).
First and foremost, as an elderly patient speaking on behalf of the public, I would like a clarification on the composition of the People’s Movement for the Rights of Patients (PMRP). Is it a government or a private concern?
The patient’s wellbeing comes first, and this should be the PMRP’s priority.
In a letter titled “When Doctors disagree” (The Sunday Times, July 13, 2008), Dr. Mark Amerasinghe wrote that Dr. Senaka Bibile stressed the importance of quality over cost.
On a personal note, I may mention that my urologist has prescribed the drug Proscar in preference to any other drug equivalent. The drug costs me about Rs. 5,000 a month. When I complained about costs, my doctor promptly wrote out a generic prescription, but I preferred to follow his previous prescription.
I cannot stress more the paramount need for trust between client and professional.
G. K. W. Weeraratne,