Several CISCO (Ceylinco Group) security personnel exchanged fisticuffs with some of the depositors near the Mount Lavinia Magistrate’s Court after a heated exchange of words. Police had to step in to separate the groups. |
More than two dozen directors of the failed Golden Key and its affiliated companies were on Thursday restricted from travelling overseas by the Mount Lavinia Chief Magistrate Harsha Setunga when the Golden Key (GK) misappropriation case was taken up on Thursday.
In other continuing developments, the CID was finally able to record a statement from Ceylinco Consolidated Chairman Lalith Kotelawala who is currently at the Merchants Ward of the Colombo National Hospital under prison guard.
The Magistrate said the directors (numbering 27 out of a total of 31) who were present in the Court) can leave the country only if prior permission is obtained from court. Chief suspects, Ceylinco Consolidated Chairman Lalith Kotelawala and former Deputy Chairman of GK, Khavan Perera were among the accused present in court. Both are in remand custody.
The Magistrate also directed the 27 directors who appeared before court not to leave the country without obtaining prior permission of the court. They were ordered to hand over a photocopy of their National Identity cards to the Court Registrar.
Meanwhile a group of thugs assaulted the GK depositors when they were engaged in a protest demonstration opposite the residence of Thushari Weerasinghe, Legal officer of Lalith Kotelawala, at Sedawatte Wellampitiya on Wednesday. President of GK Depositors Association Anusha Emmert told The Sunday Times FT that a group of around 10 thugs attacked them when they were staging a peaceful protest.
Some of the depositors received minor injuries, she said. In another unruly incident, several CISCO (Ceylinco Group) security personnel exchanged fisticuffs with some of the depositors near the Mount Lavinia Magistrates Court after a heated exchange of words. Police had to step in to separate the groups. Depositors also staged a protest outside the hospital where Kotelawala is warded urging that he be kept in remand.
The CID recorded two statements given by Ceylinco Chief Lalith Kotelawala during the past few days but he had not divulged details of the whereabouts of his wife, Sicile Kotelawala, the court was told.
He has told CID sleuths “not to ask anything about his wife as he doesn’t know anything about her.” He also didn’t provide details of his assets and several other issues connected to the Golden Key Company. Deputy Soliticitor General Sarath Jayamanne told court that this indicates Kotelawala’s unwillingness to support the ongoing investigations. Kotelawala has told the CID that he is totally unaware of the payment of 30% interest to GK depositors. He also failed to provide details of his overseas companies as well, court was told.
Colombo JMO Dr. Ananda Samarasekera conducted a medical examination and submitted a report on the health condition of Kotelawala. In his report he stated that there was no change in his health condition after the patient had undergone medical treatment for some heart ailment in 2005 and an angiogram test should be carried out to ascertain the present condition further.
Mr Jayamanne urged the Court to issue a directive to the Commissioner of Prisons to transfer Kotelawala from the Colombo Merchant Ward to the Prison Hospital. The Chief Magistrate ordered the Prison Commissioner to submit a report on this matter .
The state prosecutor disclosed that Lawrie Muthukrishna Co has conducted the audit inspections of the company since 1995 and one of the suspects in the case S. Nallantuwan had carried out auditing without the assistance of any officers of the auditing firm although they had taken money for their work up to 2005 -2006 financial year. He added that a sum of Rs. 6 billion had been disbursed among GK subsidiary companies and no one knows what has happened to this money.
Senior Counsel for the Ceylinco Chairman, President's Counsel Reinzie Arsacularatne requested court to release his client on bail so that the latter could make arrangements to repay the depositors as early as possible. Counsels Anil Silva and Nalin Ladduwahetti appearing on behalf of suspects Khavan Perera and Suramya Karunaratne noted that keeping their clients in remand prison will prevent them from providing details of company and personnel assets to the Central Bank and it will lead to contempt of court.
Senior Counsel U. R. de Silva said he could not obtain any further information regarding Sicile Kotelawala’s health condition. The Chief Magistrate refused all the bail applications.