Popular actor, rugby player and cricketer Fazal Burah died yesterday after suffering a major heart attack while holidaying with his family in Kalutara. He was 42.
Fazal captained the Zahira College rugby XV and was later its coach. He also played rugby for the Havelocks and the CH&FC , Sri Lanka and had a stint with the Up Country Club Radella as well.
He acted in the popular tele-drama ‘Raja Kaduwa’ and films such as Dancing Star and Asai Mang Piyabanna. Burah was also cricket coach of the Malay Cricket Club.
He leaves his wife Meena, son Shamri (St. Peter’s), Tariq and daughter Anika.
Janaza will leave his residence at Silva Lane, Mount Lavinia off Wattarappala Road at 8.30 am.