1. King Buwanekabahu was disturbed over the fact that the enemy was getting stronger. It is at this time that the Prime Minister, Tammita Bandara made a suggestion. His suggestion was to entrust Prince Veediya Bandara, with the sole power over the frontier provinces. The king agreed and did accordingly. The Portuguese were entrusted with the task of providing security in the sea ports. Prince Veediya Bandara fulfilled his duties very
efficiently, displaying all his skills. This made him more and more popular.
2. In the meantime, the Viceroy of India got to know about the condition in Kotte. So he promised to help King Buwanekabahu and sent some troops to Colombo in 1539 A.D. The commander of this
regiment was Migel Pereira. He was a person who had been in Sri Lanka before and as such had a good knowledge of the
country. Immediately after setting foot in the country, he got to know about the Malabar Army.
Commander Migel Pereira thought of taking revenge. Without any prior warning, he with his army marched to Negombo and besieged the camp of the Malabar soldiers. Then he started to attack. This attack was a complete success as the camp was completely ruined. A considerable number of Malabar soldiers died and a few escaped and fled. The rest were taken prisoner. Their wealth, the ships and everything
valuable were grabbed by the Portuguese and were taken to Colombo.
4. The confiscated items were displayed to the people and later the ships were set ablaze. Victorious commander Migel Pereira and his army were taken to Kotte by the two sons of King Buwanekabahu. In the meantime, King Mayadunne retreated to Sitawaka. King Buwanekabahu gave a very warm welcome to Commander Migel Pereira and his army. They were showered with gifts. Each soldier was paid two month's salary.
5. Migel Pereira and his people were extremely happy. They ate and drank to their hearts' content at the palace and enjoyed themselves. To put an end to the trouble created by King Mayadunne, Migel Pereira suggested to chase King Mayadunne. King Buwanekabahu was rather reluctant to agree to this. "If Mayadunne is not dealt with now, he is sure to come again to attack Kotte," said Commander Migel Pereira.
6. The king remained silent. Then Migel Pereira added, "If Mayadunne were to come again for an attack, it will be difficult for us to help you." He said this in such a convincing manner, that though unwillingly, King Buwanekabahu had to give his consent. However, the king had an anger against the Malabars, who were by this time in
Sri Lanka. The king thought this was the best chance to take revenge from them.
7. A regiment of
soldiers from Kotte too were asked to march along with the Portuguese army. So they joined.
At this time, it was the soldiers of the Kotte Army that guarded the ford of the bank of the Kelani river. They too were made to join the troops.
The combined army of the Portuguese and the Sinhalese entered Sitawaka. On their way, they killed cattle, set fire to houses and caused a lot of destruction.
Hundreds of people were left helpless. These rugged, hard-hearted soldiers oppressed even little
They marched as far as Gurubewula. There, they were attacked by an army equipped with guns and elephants. Yet, it did not prove to be a success. The Sitawaka army was defeated. They had to flee. King Mayadunne was
frightened. He sent an envoy to Kotte.