The elder brother did 21 in eleven which the critics thought it was far too much. Now the younger one who has taken his chance has done fourteen in just six. Both have similarities. The elder one also cut the same one to make his trips. Some say it finally ends up as a Guinness Book record.
Swarming around
When we were young Maggona was a dreaded place. Then with the Tsunami the cricketers from the far away land wanted to build a ground there. But, lethargy and infighting kept back the work. But, now once the VVVVIP has pulled them up the Guys from Maitland Place are swarming the Maggona area.
We saw him
Did the Old man of Cricket make a trip to the Southern Hub of Ham during the PC election days? Some say he did it so that he could live till 2011.
Inquirers in trouble
Now it is said that the people who held the inquiry on behalf of the white coat people are not putting out their report. The analysts say at the inquiry it was proved that the inquirers were the wrong doers.
Indian puzzle
The suppliers for the Indian tour are up in arms. They are demanding the monies for their services and supplies, they say the guys have monies for refurbishing, but no money for their services.
Velodrome or hollowdrome?
As a result of the cycling Velodrome at Homagama which came up at a cost of Rs.65 million that was not built to correct specifications, they may have to bring down the entire building. Now tell us who is responsible for this and why did it happen?