Nestlé Lanka PLC has commissioned two more state of the art milk chilling centres in the Ampara and Polonnaruwa districts.

C.B. Rathnayake, Minister of Livestock Development inaugurating the Chilling Centre together with the Managing Director of Nestlé Lanka PLC David Saudan at Mahaoya in the Ampara district. |
“On the 2nd and 3rd of December 2009, the company commissioned two more state of the art milk chilling centres in Mahaoya in the Ampare District and in Abagasvawe, Medirigiriya in the Pollonnaruwa District,” said Nestlé in a statement.
These two new chilling centres will be serviced by 18 newly established milk collection points located in the surrounding villages.
“With the opening of these two new sites, Nestlé has commissioned a total of 9 chilling centres and 58 collection points, in as many number of villages since June this year,” said Nestlé.
Nestlé is working with the Ministry of Livestock Development, other local authorities and local communities, in the project. Nestlé is also providing access to clean drinking water, which is difficult to access in most parts of the East, especially during the dry season. |