T’was in the sixth month 2009 years ago in the little town of Galilee in Nazareth,
Lived a pretty young virgin to a man named Joseph was betrothed.
The daughter of Anna & Joachim, her name was Mary.
In deep prayer she was, when the Angel Gabriel appeared to her in all his glory.
“Fear not” said the Angel, “You have found favour with God”,
“You shall bear a son and JESUS he shall be called”.
So astonished was Mary, “How can this be” she exclaimed!
“The Power of the most high will overshadow you,” the Angel proclaimed.
Said Mary to the Angel “Behold I am the Hand Maid of the Lord”
“Let it be done according to thy word”.
To visit her cousin Elizabeth, Mary went in haste,
The babe in her cousin’s womb leapt when it heard the voice of the Virgin most chaste!
Image courtesy analogartsensemble |
Mary thanked and praised the Lord with sincere devotion from her heart,
To this date, with reverence we sing these praises known as the MAGNIFICATE!
Joseph a righteous man, planned to hide his betrothed from shame,
But in a dream, the Angel of the Lord to him did explain,
That the babe in her womb will be great and his kingdom will have no end,
So to guide and protect Mary, humbly did Joseph extend.
Augustus the Emperor, announced to all the world a census,
Each in his own town and village with their kith and kin be registered.
Joseph from the line of David with his wife to Bethlehem in Judea they set forth
On this long and tiring journey Mary rode on a little donkey, carrying her precious load.
Near an Inn they stopped looking for a place to rest,
But the Inn Keeper had no room, showed a cattle shed far yonder, said that was the best!
The time was right for Mary to bring forth her first born,
In swaddling clothes she wrapped him to keep him cuddled and warm.
While shepherds watched o’er their flock at night,
A beautiful star they saw, the sky looked very bright.
Sweet music filled the air with angelic voices from afar,
To spread the good news of the Saviour’s birth they sang out everywhere.
Guided by that star, Shepherds & Kings hurried to the shed,
There in a Manger lay the little babe with cattle and sheep by his bed.
And so ends this story of that very first Christmas,
When that little baby JESUS, the Prince of Peace, became the Saviour to all of us!