Chef B (Buddhika Samarasekera) requires no introduction. He is Sri Lanka’s answer to Michelin-starred chefs. Were he in Europe I could bet my last white truffle he would have a Michelin-star, perhaps two. Indeed, I told one of his Michelin-starred Parisian mentors that the pupil has surpassed the master (whether the Frenchman took this as a compliment remains debatable…).
Given Chef B’s grounding under some of France and Asia’s finest chefs it surprises little that he keeps piling on the accolades (last year he was first runner up at the prestigious Black Box competition in Dubai). Surprisingly, though, the Miele Guide failed to include Chef B when reviewing Colombo, choosing only an expat European.
Winners all: Daminda De Silva, Buddhika Samarasekera and K.L. Manawadu |
But FHA established that Chef B is amongst Asia’s best chefs who beat competitors from countries including Switzerland, Germany and Japan which are big-hitters on the contemporary culinary scene. And Hilton Colombo proved they have one of the best chef brigades as Chef B’s colleagues Kulendra Manawadu won three medals including silver for his “Neptune Harvest” creations whilst Chef Daminda De Silva, competing in the Carvings Category, won silver for Chocolate Carving and gold (yes, he too) for Dough Figuring, making Hilton Colombo’s haul perhaps the heaviest overall amongst competing teams.
For the event that occurred over four days, Chef B confesses they practised a solid three months. During the event itself, they slept but one hour every night as they strove at perfecting techniques, flavours and presentation to dazzle a dozen international judges. Teams competed in various categories but Chef B himself entered for Plated Mains, for which he prepared four main courses and won a bronze medal. The following day he vied for Plated Appetizers, presenting six appetizers (3 cold, 3 hot) and got a silver medal.
Midas touched Chef B’s destiny on April 22 with his Asian six-course meal. The criterion was executing a western meal with Asian fusion flashes. For this, Chef B conceived the menu, he never fails to add under the auspices of Hilton Colombo’s Executive Chef Rohan Fernandopulle and they sourced premium quality products internationally including oil of Argan, truffle oil, vegetables (peppers, baby courgettes etc)…
Creations were judged on quality of components, textures, flavours, fragrances, ingenuity and presentation. Judges sampled six courses that each of about 40 chefs presented over six hours. That is, almost 250 samples in four hours! “Were the judges enormous?” I ask Chef B. As always, he smiles his shy smile but when quizzed if he knew gold was his for the Asian Meal, he confesses without false modesty or false pride, “I had a doubt.” And why not with his technical mastery, creative flair and intense passion with which he pursues perfection.
His first thought on winning? Was it “Oh, yet another gold medal?” (after all, he has not a few). No, he thought, “I am so tired!!!” He proceeds to add honestly, “I got a gold medal but I was not surprised. I was just very tired.” He emphatically thanks Chef Rohan and Hilton Colombo- Chef B isn’t one to hug the gold and the glory.
Chef B didn’t rest on his laurels for he had to support his juniors in their individual competitions. Further, he noticed that the equipment used by other countries was far superior to their own so he got busy with learning about this sophisticated culinary equipment which Hilton Colombo will soon implement at Spoons.
A day after the event Chef B flew home to Colombo. If he thought he would get some respite here, that wasn’t on the cards either. Because if Chef B was renowned before, now he has become quite a celebrity and that means he is constantly in demand.
He soon was called upon to create a six-course menu degustation for an ultra elite charity gala hosted at Spoons. The day after, he recreated the award-winning Asian Meal. A swig of sumptuous mushroom velouté inaugurated. Next, unctuous pumpkin soup with goat’s cheese spiked with pistachioed curry powder, then an intriguing couscous topped with sweet corn sorbet. He also presented at FHA a mini gastro hopper with quails egg, which I was tragically denied for they lost the custom-made pan the hopper was made in! To me, the most extraordinary creation was Baby courgette with egg plant puree with spice kataifi, exotic fruit salsa and tropical leather woos honey bubble. Now, this was technical prowess personified for it was fried but didn’t grease the plate.
Guava & green chilli sorbet with rambutan syrup has to be the most remarkably original of my experience. The epicurean fiesta culminated in Black bean mapo with chicken or beancurd & celery mushroom wellington with brinjal moju in curried cream.
Needless to say, Spoons was sold out. My attention was constantly distracted from the exquisite epicurean cavalcade to make these little observations and Chef B himself, now worth his weight in gold, had to abandon his guests at the restaurant (catered for of course) to dash to a private catering. I ask vigorously before he vanishes what his next projects are. The Food Olympics 2012! |