If you are interested in studying in Sydney and are trying to choose a school that meets your needs, consider INSEARCH.
INSEARCH is a pathway provider to the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), delivering higher education diplomas, English programmes and now on behalf of UTS, UTS Foundation Studies.
INSEARCH offers a range of course in various disciplines. If you haven't quite achieved the marks you need for direct entry to university you can study a diploma with us- most of which lead directly into the second year of study at UTS.

Tim Laurence INSEARCH General Manager of Education |
INSEARCH offers pathways to UTS in the areas of Architecture; Business; Communication; Design; Education; Engineering; Information Technology; Law; Nursing and Science.
INSEARCH General Manager of Education, Tim Laurence, describes INSEARCH as a ''second chance'' for students. ''INSEARCH academic pathway programmes are the proven way to get to UTS,'' Mr Laurence said.
''Now is a great time for students who decided they did not want to go to university and have changed their minds, or people who wanted to do a gap year or people who did not get into their preferred courses, to get into university.''
Mr Laurence says the INSEARCH diplomas were tailor made for generations who want things to happen in a hurry: ''Our courses are delivered in an intensive mode.
We have longer teaching hours and compact our semesters into tighter periods. INSEARCH diplomas are offered as an eight (Accelerated) or 12 (Standard ) month program mes and are practical, career-focused courses that will prepare students for their second year of university.''
If you have finished your O Levels and would like something to do before embarking on your journey through university, you can choose to study UTS Foundation Studies, a pathway to both INSEARCH diplomas and UTS undergraduate degree programmes.
UTS Foundation Studies also prepare students for undergraduate study at other Australian universities but if you have your heart set on studying at UTS, the Foundation Studies programme guarantees you a place in the first year of study at UTS, provided you have completed the program with the required Grade Point Average and grade in Academic English.
INSEARCH's reputation for delivering quality English courses is world renowned. We are a publisher of a range of IELTS preparation books which are published and distributed globally.
In partnership with Australia Network (the Asia Pacific arm of the ABC), we have also developed two popular English language learning programmes, Study English and Passport to IELTS. If you do not have access to Australia Network television, these programmes are available to view online free of charge at www.australianetwork.com/learningenglish.
INSEARCH is a popular choice for both Australian and international students, and is home to more than 5000 students from 90 different countries across the globe.
Our small class sizes of a maximum of 20 students means that our students and teachers develop positive relationships and students receive the attention and support they need.
As an INSEARCH student, you have access to UTS facilities such as the library, gym and numerous social clubs- so you're already immersed in university life while studying at INSEARCH.
For further information about INSEARCH please visit www.insearch.edu.au or visit our stand at the Future Minds exhibition at BMICH in Colombo on 2 July 2010.
INSEARCH CRICOS provider code: 00859D
Rae de Rooy
Source: David Samuel, Business Development Manage Austrade-Colombo.
E-mail: David.Samuel@austrade.gov.au