Thinking back and looking forward, even if it will be for a short time, I cannot help but reflect on how great life has been for me recently. You know I have a girl- friend. Leukaemia has become my girlfriend. She’s even got a beautiful name.
Doesn’t that sound beautiful?
You know she changed my entire life. My life wasn’t that bad anyway, the youngest of three children, the only boy in the family, but at times, let’s say the road was a little bumpy. It wasn’t always smooth and straight. It was perhaps typical for many boys of my age. But who likes bumpy roads huh?
How about putting yourself on a highway? Well that’s what my beautiful girlfriend did. You know, it is always risky to have a girlfriend. She can be very sweet like my dear Leukaemia, but girls can kill you sometimes.
Sometimes they are a gamble. It is actually not fair to blame her, because there are worse girls in this world like HIV. You know there is a risk of them being passed on to others. How sad that can be. Who would like one’s girl friend to go to another? But my Leukaemia will only be with me sad, but true and I’d rather have it that way.
How many things she has given me. Well my parents should be happy that they have a daughter-in-law who made me closer to them. Usually that doesn’t happen, right?
I should not be telling this to the world, but she just hates my sisters. You know, my sisters are trying to chase her away and they seem to be succeeding. My elder sister’s bone marrow matched perfectly and the transplant has been done and they say I have a good chance. But I have to be realistic and not live in my fantasy world. It would appear that we (my love and I) are incompatible.
I am still 21. I can find someone better, huh? Usually handsome young boys find deadly virtuous girlfriends. So I will find many since I believe I am quite handsome!
So. I better think about the bad things she has done to me. I’m sad because she was so good. She only made me very sick, kept me at the hospital for months. Then her beloved friends called virus infections, and all types of other infections (I really can’t remember all the names) etc tried to kill me. But my friend’s medicines and the tough guy named Chemo backed me up nicely. Friends are always there in this kind of a situation. But I don’t like Chemo very much. He’s too tough. He hates girls.
He thinks that he can kill girls but at the end it’s me who got affected. I still cannot leave my bed because of him..pff...What a friend, huh? Anyway I should be grateful to him as he tried to save me from Leukaemia.
You know, Leukaemia is so jealous...She has made my face very dark. She doesn’t cook well so I cannot eat. She is scared that I will find a new girl with my handsome face. She doesn’t understand that I don’t want to. Anyway, it’s so sad. My elder sister together with my friends have changed her mind. Leukaemia is leaving me. leukemia...why did this happen to me?
Anyway, let bygones be bygones. I have a life ahead of me. A long way to go, I shall be grateful to her for showing me the right path. She helped me to be a good man. She almost did everything for me and made me a very strong man.
My doctor uncles are very positive about her. They say that there is a 50-50 chance she may come back. But she will take her time. They say that I should enjoy my life till she comes back. What to do...I will live life to the fullest till she comes back. That way there will be nothing to lose.
I think I have been chosen perfectly. I am young, nobody depends on me, I’m strong enough to face this, and I’ve got an army around me who won’t give up without a fight. I am happy that it is me and not somebody who is close to me. It would have been a different story then. I would not have been able to handle it. |