'Pasalen Karaliyata' programme was initiated in 2007 as a unique CSR program with the association of the 'Ministry of Education'. The program was based on a concept where Union Assurance Plc contributes towards the recognition of aesthetic talents of school children in national schools and reward them for their skills. The program was even extended to recognize their performance as a university entry qualification.
Dirk Pereira CEO Union Assurance PLC, handing over the "Pasalen Karaliyata Sandeshaya" to Thushara Gunathilaka, Director Aesthetic of Education Ministry to proceed the 2010 Pasalen Karaliyata Season 03 Programme. |
The 'Pasalen Karaliyata' programme also offers great rewards for the winning school children as well as the schools which they belong to. The uniqueness of this program is that it is not only the first, second and third place winners who are singled out for recognition, but the schools they represent also receive cash awards.
This program was successfully conducted for the 2nd consecutive year, and plans are on board to launch the 3rd season of this outstanding program. Unlike in the previous years, the 3rd season will be extended to the North and East as well, as the children in the war affected areas could not participate in the previous two programs. This will add a new flavour to this national program with Sinhalese and Tamil cultures blending with each other.
The purpose of this project is now redefined as the program needed to be aligned with the new corporate brand. The program will be positioned as a national campaign to establish one important element of our corporate brand. Being 'Respectful' to the key stakeholders is one core element in the new brand promise and the program will be devised to highlight this important brand promise.
'Yahapath, Gaurawanvitha Puravesiyeku Bihikireeme Jathika Mehewara' (National level attempt to make a law abiding, respectful citizen) will be the new core message of 'Pasalen Karaliyata' for the year 2010. This theme also has the capacity to be established as what 'Union Assurance' brand stands for.
The new 'Pasalen Karaliyata' program has 3 types of competitions amongst the school children in Government schools.
The 3 types of competitions are
- Folk Dancing
- Folk Music
- Art competition
This CSR initiative has been well received by both the Education Department and national schools as this is the only program which encourages children to demonstrate the aesthetic skills in Folk Dancing, Folk Singing at individual level or group level to earn extra marks for the university entry qualification.
Since Sri Lanka has a rich heritage of folk dance, music, drama and creative art which must be preserved and fostered, Union Assurance will be attempting to ensure that our cultural treasures are protected and nourished for the future generation with the help of 'Pasalen Karaliyata' national program. |