A new drinking water fountain opened recently at the Kuliyapitiya Central College brings the total number of children and adults benefited by Nestlé’s drinking water fountains across the island to over 14,000, the company said this week.
The Kuliyapitiya fountain was opened by Athula Wijesinghe, Chief Minister of the North Western Province and Alois Holfbauer, Managing Director for Nestlé Lanka PLC, the company’s 11th drinking water fountain.
Nestlé Lanka said water conservation, management and education initiatives are a high priority for the company. “Currently, Sri Lanka is working towards meeting its Millennium Development Goals on water and sanitation and the company is contributing to achieving this goal by constructing several hygienic facilities of the highest quality to supply clean drinking water,” the company said in a statement.
The Kuliyapitiya fountain will provide safe drinking water for more than 2500 students.
Nestle drinking facility at a Pannala School |