The Electric Peacock Festival came alive in Colombo this month with unforgettable line up of performances. The show gave the Sri Lankan audience a taste of what it is like to be at an international festival.
In addition to giving people new music experiences, the festival’s key focus was to promote creativity and entrepreneurial energy. As part of this, Electric Peacock invited Academy of Design to display their art sculptures on the beach, face painting teams
roamed the site decorating festival goers, a special AOD photo backdrop was set up
with paint gun art and photographers invited people to pose with jewelry created by the
students themselves.
The performances by the internationally acclaimed artists were exhilarating;
with Roger Sanchez headlining the event and spinning his Grammy award winning hits.
Festival Director, Tasha Marikkar said, the organizer were encouraged by the feedback received about the festival.
“We believe this is the first step in changing the way Sri Lankans experience live music,” she said. |