Chandana de Silva (Second from left) , Emirates Area Manager for Sri Lanka and Maldives briefing the media regarding the Emirates Colombo Classic Golf tournament. Also in the picture from left Devika Ellepola, Emirates Sales Manager, Ananda Jayasekera, Club Captain RCGC and Sanjiv Vairavanathan, Vice Captain RCGC. |
The second edition of the Emirates Colombo Classic Golf tournament will tee off at the Royal Colombo Golf (RCGC) on February 12 from 6.00 a.m. onwards.
The tournament will be conducted under standard club rules relating to sponsored tournaments. It will be conducted in the Stableford format in six handicap groups.
Group A (0-9), Group B (10-18), Group C (19-28), Ladies (19-28), Masters and Seniors. Four ball tee off will commence at 6.00 a.m. with the final tee off scheduled for 2.00 p.m.
Apart from three airline tickets to Singapore the winner and two runners up will be presented with trophies in each group. The winners in the Ladies, Masters and Seniors events too will be awarded trophies. |