Christians believe that when Jesus was crucified he died. But after three days were past, Jesus rose from the dead. Easter is the celebration of Jesus Christ's return to life.
Christ's return from death is known as the Resurrection. Jesus died on Good Friday. According to the scriptures, Christ's tomb was found empty three days after his death – the big stone that blocked the entrance was cracked.
His followers saw him and talked to him after this. Christians believe that through his death, Jesus has ensured that they too will have a everlasting life in Heaven after their earthly death.
Easter is usually
celebrated on the first Sunday after the full moon following the Vernal or Spring Equinox on March 21. This can be any Sunday between March 22 and April 25 – this year it is April 24. It is among the most sacred of all the Christian holidays – even more important than Christmas according to some – and is celebrated with many small rituals including a
traditional Easter
breakfast and
Easter egg hunts.