Zahira Old Boys Rugby Association - (ZOBRA) conducted the annual Inter ZOBRA Rugby Nursery Rugby Championship 2011 for the second successive year at the College Grounds recently. Four teams namely - Cheetahs, Jaguars, Panthers and Pumas tussled for the championship. Jaguars clinched the coveted championship and Mohamed Hasif of Jaguars was adjudged the best player.
Sri Lanka Freedom Party Colombo District Organizer and distinguished old boy Zahira College, Fawzan Anver graced the occasion as the chief guest and distributed awards.
ZOBRA Rugby Nursery - (ZRN) is a programme inaugurated by Zahira Old Boys' Rugby Association with the objectives of grooming youngsters at their tender ages to become highly skilled in rugby.
The inaugural ZRN was launched in April 2010 with a colourful ceremony and participation of members of the Board of Governors, Principal, Teachers, Old Boys. Well Wishers, Parents and Students.
Best player - Hasiff Haleem, receives the award from Chief Guest, Fawzan Anver. Others in the picture from left are Nazeem Ghaffoor, President ZOBRA, Naleef Kitchil, General Secretary, and Ramzeen Slamath, Vice President and Director, ZOBRA Rugby Nursery |
The champion Jaguars team receives the championship award from the Chief Guest, Fawzan Anver, Chief Organizer of SLFP, Colombo District and a distinguished old boy. |