There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. -
Edith Wharton (Pulitzer Prize winning American novelist, short story writer and designer)
The Management Club takes pride in the fact that they have been a Mirror that reflects the light from the candle of knowledge through their efforts in organising the TMC Wisdom Quiz event for five consecutive years.
It was in September 2006 that TMC launched a new knowledge development initiative when they organised their first ever table quiz event with the assistance of the International Quizzing Association - whose Sri Lanka representative - Ruwan Senanayake - is one of their founder members.
Ever since then TMC has organised the Wisdom Quiz during the month of September every year, and this Quiz has now become one of the most popular table quiz events in Sri Lanka. The keen enthusiasm and the competitive spirit displayed by the participants at each successive year has urged TMC to organise the Quiz again on Saturday 24th September, at the Grand Ballroom of Galle Face Hotel - for the 6th successive year.
TMC has decided to increase the prize money of the Quiz this time and the overall winners will be awarded a cash prize of Rs 75,000/- in addition to the TMC Wisdom Trophy. The runners-up will receive Rs 40,000/= and a trophy. The 3rd 4th and 5th placed teams will be awarded cash prizes of Rs 25,000/=, Rs 20,000/= and Rs 15,000/= respectively.
This year too the quiz will be conducted as a team event with 5 members per team. It will be open to four sectors - Schools & Educational Institutions, Public & Mercantile Firms, Banks and Financial Institutions and independent groups.
Wisdom 2006 Quiz marked TMC's entry into the Quiz arena |
Questions will be based on 5 subjects - Current Affairs, Sports, General Knowledge, Space & Astronomy & Arts/Literature and Entertainment.
Those who are interested in taking part could confirm their participation to the TMC desk at Galle Face Hotel along with the registration fee of Rs 10,000/= per team.
TMC has decided to extend a special concessionary registration fee of Rs 8,000/- for school teams in a bid to further assist the younger stars of the future on this knowledge enhancement initiative.
Applications will be accepted on a "first come - first served" basis as the number of teams will have to be limited to a maximum of 40 due to space constraints and other logistical arrangements.
Details can be obtained from the TMC secretariat at Galle Face Hotel on Tel: 5860000 or by calling 0777 418191