Graduation Ceremonies recognize, value and reward the academic achievements of students and celebrate the milestones they have reached. It was such a moment of pride for Asian International School when the class of 2011 held their Graduation Ceremony on the 30th of April 2011, at the King's Court of the Cinnamon Lakeside Hotel.
Principal Ms.Priyanthi Seneviratne with chief guest Mr.Vikram Misri Deputy high Commissioner of India and Ms.Dolly Misri |
The occasion was graced by Mr. Vikram Misri, the Deputy High Commissioner of India, the Chief Guest for the evening, and his wife Mrs. Dolly Misri, alongside a host of dignitaries including the Chairman of AIS Mr. W.P. Perera, Principal Mrs. Priyanthi Seneviratne and past Principal and Director Dr. Goolbai Gunasekara along with the Board of Directors. The teachers, the parents and well wishers of the graduating class who also attended the ceremony made the evening more memorable. The Head Students of AIS, Iraj de Alwis and Faiza Chatoor addressed the gathering, while Irenke Bednarz and Rahil Gomes, the Valedictorians of the graduating class, delivered their farewell orations at the ceremony.
While educational excellence is of utmost importance, AIS also emphasizes the value of an all round education that includes social and creative skills. Sports play a decisive role in further equipping students to face the world in terms of social and individual skills. Several students among the graduating class, who had performed well in sports such as basketball and athletics were commended at this event.
Most of the 113 students of the graduating class of 2011 have opted to pursue their tertiary education overseas and have already been accepted to many prestigious universities, some of which include the Universities of Knox, Middlebury and Rochester in the United States.
Universities of Manchester, Warwick, Leicester, Birmingham, UCL and King's College, Queen Mary College and Imperial College of London as well as Leads, Liverpool and Nottingham in the United Kingdom, and York, McGill, Toronto and Queen's University in Canada. It is wished that these students will continue to shine in all they do and bring honour to their school and country.
Although these students are stepping out into the unknown, AIS is certain that they will do so with a determination to complete what they start, to make the best of every opportunity that comes their way, and see every obstacle as an opportunity that will better equip them to face the future that is theirs alone. We wish the Graduating Class all the very best in their future endeavours, and conclude with the apt words of Wayne Dyer, "Go for it now. The future is promised to no one."