Today we are witnessing an unprecedented level of corruption and abuse of position in football administration not only in the Controlling Body also amongst its affiliated leagues, hitherto unheard of in the long and chequered history of the sport in our country. Speakers and writers condemned this social malaise both through the newspaper and television, with such resentment and indignation, that the issue by and large drew the attention of the general public.
However what was unspoken was the equally despicable level of corruption and abuse of position in the management of the sport. What is most unfortunate is the apathy taking place under the leadership of Sarath Weerasekera. When he was appointed as a President of the FFSL, we had some hope that there will be improvement and changes in the administration of the Football Federation. Sad and disappointed it has not happened so. Further unconcern and disinterest shown by the Ministry of Sports in the past few years to arrest this cancer particularly in the light of glaring exposures presented with such clarity and certainty. The failure of the incumbent President of the FFSL and the Minister of Sports to probe or inquire into the floods of genuine complaints and blatant acts of blunders and irregularities in the Football Federation in particular and in its affiliated leagues in general had disappointed the genuine lovers of this sport. This is evident from the poor turnover of the crowd which gathers to witness well published, prominent cup finals.
Action at Sri Lanka Vs Phillipines encounter which was played in Sri Lanka. Pic by Mangala Weerasekera |
The main draw-backs or stumbling block in our present poor soccer standard is the exploitation of the sport by the least competent in the sport.
Lately money men and professionals whose knowledge of soccer can be written on the back of a stamp unfortunately got involved in the game. Just to reciprocate goodwill to their master offering joy trips to selected individuals is a common ruse of errant officials who work to cover the nakedness of the sport. Do please reward and honour those who deserve it.
Among the many responsibilities cast on the Sports Ministry is the responsibility to ensure the achievement of technical excellence in the sport, and to investigate into the financial grants and donations received from FIFA and AFC and also from other local and foreign donors and sponsors. The first priority is to get the technically qualified and competent personnel to guide and direct the Federation. Sports is purely a technical subject and that is why late K.B. Ratnayake introduced appropriate legislation in the early seventies to ensure that only those who have actively participated in the respective sport at a major level of competition shall only qualify to hold higher positions of the national association.
This prudent and pertinent law is observed today more in the breach. Some who have not kicked a ball properly are at the helm of the Controlling Body or in those vibrant football leagues in the country, having a whale of a time. Some business tycoons invite their business associates and customers to garland them and wrap them with colourful robes at the cup final platforms instead of rewarding the poor soccer players who toil and sweat in the field to entertain the football loving public.
May I suggest to the Minister of Sports Mahindananda Aluthgamage who represents Nawalapitiya district which is popular for football in Sri Lanka to kindly consider appointing a National Technical Board who will report to him on (A) the technical qualification and competence of officials in conformity with the sport (B) to asses and report on the performing standards in comparison to Regional Asian and Olympic standards. (C) to submit a comprehensive report on the financial aspects.... the funds received, how it was spend, salaries and other perks paid to the officials and to staff, the duties performed by them, initially if these three aspects are gone into, the Minister can then make his own observations and come into his own conclusions, in proposing remedial action.
As I have suggested to the Minister of Sports in this article the appointment of a National Technical Board could clear the deck and lay a fertile base to develop football in our country. Who is the sane person who will throw his money and time in vain and who sacrifices his chosen profession, neglecting it to a point of total abandonment, if high office in the sport organization does not offer adequate compensation or much wider horizons for him, to bask in glory. Kith and kin of few top officials are enjoying financial and other benefits in the name of football to maintain their living standards and status at the expense of the poor football players who sweat and shed blood in the soccer field to bring fame and glory to their motherland. This is indeed unfair and sin not excusable from the late seventies we have holes at the top, centre and bottom of the football administration. If a world cup were to be offered for how best not to manage football there is no doubt we would win it outright.
The Sports Ministry under successive governments failed to arrest the decline of our popular sport football and there seems to be no change for the better even now. Minister of Sports you must not be carried away by the tom tom beatings, garlands, and other publicity carefully and tactfully arranged for you at cup finals and other functions, just to cover up and camouflage their inability to develop the game in the country.
Mr. Minister please do not allow them to hoodwink and misguide you while the whole game is a big hollow. No doubt, the whole nation is silently watching the fun and frolic that is right before their eyes displayed by the officials of the Football Federation. We know, like others you too are highly disappointed by the poor performance of our National Teams at the international competitions. Excusable are wrong done through ignorance but woe be unto those who witling err for personal and selfish ends.
For the sake of the sport and the country please get rid of those rotten ones who do not care for the sport. Get the right men to handle its affairs without allowing the sport to further deteriorate. With no prejudice whatsoever, it is my humble view, that football is sadly lacking in men of calibre, competence, commitment and integrity at the base of the controlling body. Certainly we have enough talented young players, quality coaches, and knowledgeable and competent administrators in our country to guide and develop the game from the grass-root level. A competent outlook is the only way out. |