Feroze Kamardeen’s hilarious satire on politics Pusswedilla Part 3 featuring the further adventures of the irrepressible Hon. Chaminda Pusswedilla goes on the boards of the Lionel Wendt on September 29 and 30 and October 1 and 2 .
Here’s the latest news release from the Pusswedilla camp.
ArsikLand Royter Service News (ARSNEWS) August 27, Capital City ArsikLand: It has been reported that His Glorious Honourable Excellency Chaminda Pusswedilla, will be hosting the first-ever world peece sumitt in the capital city of ArsikLand in September 2011.
Speaking on strict condishen of anonymous, Mr. Cyril Nitharamasuffering, Secretary to Hon. Pusswedilla said “This is a brilliance idea that Lokka has had. We are not inviting Obermer becose Obermer went and took the Nobell Price without giving it to Lokka. So we are going to teech hima maara leson. But we are telling Obermer to send someone, naththung no peece ne? I am organizing oll activities including oll peece sumitt meetings”
When asked wether Libyagadaaa would be a participant at the sumitt Mr. Nitharamasuffering refused to answer. This was probably ARSNews’ fault since we had started serving tea at the time and to be very fair by Mr. Nitharamasuffering he had started to eat a piece of cake when the question was asked from him. Several other rather important questions were also completely lost as Mr. Nitharamasuffering took nearly 20 minutes to finish the cakes, pastries and tea. As a News agency poised to be on the cutting edge we, at ARSNEWS have resolved NEVER to serve tea during an interview. This falls in well with recent cuts to our budget.
ARSNews is proud to be first to break the news that Hon. Chaminda Pusswedilla has renamed the theatre formerly knowns as the LYNEL WENT. The NEW Theatre (which is in the same place as the Lynel Went) will be colled Pusswedilla’s ArsikLand Nashnel Theatre (or PANT for short)
Speaking to ARSNews Hon. Pusswedilla said “For a long time I have been coming and going to the Lynel. It is a nice place. I wanted to do something speshel for the place. Lot of peoples are asking me who is this Lynel and where did he go? Now those questions are answered. No more Lynel Went Now it is PANT. Mata Jayawewa!”
ARSNEWS will bring you more on the peece sumitt as the news happens or as soon as we find out. |