Suntel, the telecom firm, has raised concerns over our story last week under the headline ‘Troubled Suntel wins ‘Best company to work for’ award” saying the article is misleading. In a letter, the company said Suntel is currently engaged in a process that ‘may or may not lead to a sale’ but the company is definitely not ‘troubled’ as stated in the headline.
Here are extracts of the letter sent to the newspaper:
“Suntel currently enjoys a very strong balance sheet having large cash reserves and access to additional funding for operations and future expansion as and when required. The staff continues to work with enthusiasm while enjoying their full salary and benefits without any change. We can also categorically state that we have not encouraged any staff to leave the company (as reported in the article).
The Suntel ‘long leave’ policy has been established for almost three years now and is part of our HR policy. It is designed to allow staff members to seek full time educational opportunities or take a career break in the full knowledge that they can return to work after improving themselves or indeed starting a family. Suntel views this policy as extremely beneficial to our pre-dominantly young workforce.” |